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We bought a new house

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Well almost new. Built in 2000.

Anyway, so we closed on the place early this week. We got the keys, fine, no prob. Now, this house is REALLY big, it's 6,000 s.f. and 90% finsished up and down. There's more to that story, but not related to this post.

Anyway, we take over a few non essential items in boxes that are easy to move, and I'm down in the basement (which is all finished). And I go into the storage room (which has its own closet) and low and behold, what do I find? The previous owner has left a GUN wrapped up in cardboard back up against the wall on the top shelf. [:-bigeyes2]

Now, if it'd been a hand gun, I might have gotten a little wierd about it. But it was just an average-quality .22 rifle that he was probably using to take shots at the wild turkies with.

What a donkey, leaving a GUN behind... [:-banghead]

Anyway, if he doesn't want to come back from Florida for it, I'll be damned sure to look it over REAL well before firing it. You never know if he left a cleaning swatch or some other dumb thing in it. But I could always use another gun on the new homestead. [:D]

What's the wierdest thing you've stumbled across?

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Originally posted by Konrad

What a donkey, leaving a GUN behind... [:-banghead]

Perhaps it has a past? Could have been used in a crime...now you have it...possession is 99% of the law you know! [:-blindfold]

Can I have your new digs when your off at the big house?

I hear the guy named Sal is kinda sweet on the new guys [:-bigeyes] [:-brokenheart] [:-crazy]


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What's the wierdest thing you've stumbled across?

3 years ago I went up in an attic and saw where someone had walked barefoot through the cellouse insulation. As I was getting out of the attic I knocked down a bag that had been set close to the scuttle hole. Inside of the bag was 160 1 gram baggies of cocaine. I spent the next 3 hours with the Chandler PD.

The house was for sell because the boyfriend was arrested for dealing and was going to trial. The owner (Girlfriend) couldn't afford the house with out him.

Then the damn home inspector finds his stash, calls the cops and now they have more evidence. it seems his finger prints were on every baggie.[:D]

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Re "odd stuff", a couple of years ago I was belly crawling through a two-three foot max height crawl space when I saw a shadowy area ahead.

Soon I found myself peering over the edge of an old hand-dug well, approx four feet square, that had been capped with a four-inch slab.

The well had caved and the slab cap had fallen, straight down, landing askew about eight feet down.

My heart jumped right into my throat, as it might when you suddenly reach the edge of a cliff. I have been known to traverse the short places on my back.

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All in a days work: Can't count how many bullets found on and in roof shingles, entire 1000sqft attic grow house(oregeno?), my best friends daughter posed in huge poster size wall photos(naked with rubber novelties), one dead body, 1909 singer armory rifle with matching case, and most creepy; a post card to my great uncle found inside a fireplace on the smoke shelf from 1932. PS: I also found my wife at an inspection.

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Originally posted by Les

All in a days work: Can't count how many bullets found on and in roof shingles, entire 1000sqft attic grow house(oregeno?), my best friends daughter posed in huge poster size wall photos(naked with rubber novelties), one dead body, 1909 singer armory rifle with matching case, and most creepy; a post card to my great uncle found inside a fireplace on the smoke shelf from 1932. PS: I also found my wife at an inspection.

Isn't there something in your SOP about "hitting" on clients? [:D] Congrats!

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A few years ago I was inspecting a home just a few blocks from where I live. The home was owned by a baptist minister and his wife. I removed the cover from the electric panel and found a bottle of single malt scotch. I left the scotch and told the buyer I would be happy to come remove the bottle from his electric panel after he owned the house. He never called me after he moved in.

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Scott W.

O.K. It's time to fess up now.

I remember talking to an ASHI inspector from your neck of the woods a few years ago. He told me that he inspected a house and while in the attic, he found a large bag with 165 1 gram baggies of cocaine. He remarked his find in the inspection report while leaving it where it was. The buyers never bought the house and so it was on the market again.

Hmmm!!! You've got some splainin' to do.

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Interesting ethical issue. Did you phone the police when you found "packets of white powder" or did you already know the details of the 'boyfriend'? Would you report a black plastic tarp'd area in the attic with improperly wired grow lights?

I was thinking about the buyer of such a home, if the seller was a home-based 'seller'. Imagine the doorbell rings at 2am and a different 'buyer' wants their fix. Nice way to make the news as one of those "drug related slayings". How do you write up -that- condition? "Potential reputation as illicit narcotic supply location. Recommend contacting the local authorities for further evaluation and recommendations regarding this and other conditions found hidden within or buried beneath the property."?

Joel. phx

And those finder's keepers stories reminds me of the lawyer joke:

Man's final will requires the wife, priest, and lawyer to each place $10,000 from the estate in the casket at the funeral. Afterwards the priest says "I must confess, I kept $2000 to buy blankets for the orphans. Wife says, well I only put in $5,000 so I could pay off bills". The lawyer says "I'm shocked at you two. I put in a check for the full amount".

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