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I went back to look at my article from the home page and when I clicked on read more, I got a request for a password. It would not accept beta or my new password. If it will copy and paste, here's what I got.

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Paul MacLean


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I meant to go to the front page and check that to see if that was going to happen and I forgot![:-banghead]

I was trying to set things up so that only I could post new topics to that particular forum, because the first entry in each new topic becomes a headline on the front page. I wanted to do that because if I don't I can see brother Nick Gromicko showing up and posting one of his NACHI 'news releases'. Can you imagine if one of these nights he posted his list of things that NACHI is 'first' at, that Scott Warga was venting about on Flame 'n Blame the other night?[:-censored]

So, I tried to make it password protected so that only myself or Mike B. or Rose could post initial posts there. My plan was that if anyone wants to pass on 'news', that I'd check the facts first before I posted it to the front page.

Guess, I screwed up.[:-dunce]

It's fixed now.

  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by kurt


Nice little history. Hope it never happens here!

I don't understand what the "nice little history" is. There is no referent in the conversation menu that was in front of me. - ?

Now, I'm looking around for a large POST button and don't see one. Maybe it's the 'Post New Reply' button. If it is that one, then it's misleading, since - to my mind - a 'new' reply would be one other than this one. It should simply say 'Post" or Post This Reply. I'll try it now . . .


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