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What is Mel Bosch's proposal??

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Originally posted by Terence McCann

Originally posted by hausdok

Hi Scott,

Mel Bosch is an ex-inspector here in Washington State who is pushing for state licensing of home inspectors.

If he's an ex-inspector why is he doing this?

That might be a good question to ask the founder of NACHI. I understand the the salary is very good.

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Originally posted by Scottpat

I am curious as to what Mel Bosch's proposal is, anyone want to enlighten those outside of Washington.

That's what I like about this site. If your curious about something, just wait someone else will ask it sooner or later [:-dev3]

Many a night I've often pondered who this Mel Bosch is and what it is he was proposing. [:-paperbag]

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Originally posted by Scottpat

Originally posted by Terence McCann

Originally posted by hausdok

Hi Scott,

Mel Bosch is an ex-inspector here in Washington State who is pushing for state licensing of home inspectors.

If he's an ex-inspector why is he doing this?

That might be a good question to ask the founder of NACHI. I understand the the salary is very good.

I was thinking pretty much the same thing, but Mel is handing the project off to the first five members of the board of directors and then he is washing his hand of the project. Strange as it may seem, his intentions seem to be fairly altruistic. Four years ago he saw a need for licensing here is Washington and has invested both his time and money on putting together a proposal that, when looked at from many different angles, appears to be a good plan.

The best analogy that I can give is that his proposal is similar to the lawyers Bar Association: the state doesn't write laws governing the behavior and standards of the lawyers - the state just recongnizes and codifies the standards of the Bar. To practice law, you must be a member of the Bar. Mel's proposal does essentially the same thing; the Washington State Home/Building Inspectors Association will set the standards of practice, define the limitations and limits of liability, will administer testing and perform disciplinary measures. To practice home inspection in Washington you will need to be a member of the WSHBIA.

At this point in time I only see one problem with Mel's proposal and so far I haven't been able to get anyone, not Mel, not anyone from the select group that will make up the BOD, not anyone, that can tell me how they are proposing to get around the current pest inspection rules. Currently anyone doing a home inspection that meets ANY of the national standards of practice is essentially performing a pest inspection since our law here covers all wood destroying organisms, any damage created by WDO, and all conditions that may be conducive to WDO. Mel's proposal is that home inspector will be able to report on rot and conducive conditions without their report being a pest report. To make this change will require that the legislators modify both the current law and the associated rules: Minimum of 18 months and will require all of the public comment periods etc. that go along with any rule or law making process.


Olympia, WA

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