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Hours of Operation

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Not sure there is a normal in this business.

My cell phone is by business, personal, etc lifeline. I answer it when it rings.

Sometimes it rings late at night with someone who expected to leave a voice message but we went ahead and booked the inspetion.

I typically do em at 9 and 2 Mon-Sat & Sunday afternoon. Yeah, I throw in a bit of a premium for weekends and then take a day off in the middle of the week to do something without the crowds around. Ain't many people at the fishing hole on Thursday.

It's my business. I do it when I feel like it and take days off when I feel like it.

I finally got to the point where I don't worry if the phone don't ring for a day or two or if they want the cheap guy. It feels good.

I feel your pain, John. Last week I screwed up and did a 4500 and 5700 in the same day. Wears your ass out when you got two more for tomorrow.


Then of course, there's this place. Major distraction from report writing, but hey, I gotta keep up with my education. Or so I tell myself.

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9 and 2

I arrive early to complete the exterior and get the report started. Unless the house is a dump I can edit the boilerplate as needed, add custom comments and photos for the AM inspection at lunch. I do the same for the PM inspection after the bride and kid go to bed.

We avoid Saturdays but when needed I'll try to get one of the other guys on the payroll to do it. I will not pass on it. Don't work on Sunday.

the phone is answered 7 am to 10 pm. Any calls outside of 8 to 6 are unusual but we book a few every month because of this policy.

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I'm a technician - not a salesmen, administrator, typist or receptionist. I'm thrilled to work with a bunch of people that are great at all that stuff.

I start each day by dictating the report from the previous day's inspection.

Next, I arrive at the day's inspection at 9:00 (10:00 if we think it's more than a 45 minute drive). Since I get to do mostly "challenging" inspections, we never know how long it will take, but it's usually well into the afternoon. Sometimes, like today, it goes into early evening. A second inspection is quite rare and only happens when there are very unique circumstances.

When I get back, I review the report that's been typed while I was out, then I stop by here at TIJ. Then, it's off to be wif da wife and kids.

After 10 years, I stopped working Saturdays. Recently, if I have an open day during the week, I'll consider an occasional easy one on Saturday morning, if there's no family plans.

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