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Life is good...

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...and my second childhood is just getting better.

So...we upgraded the wife earlier this year to a new 150cc Vespa from her older Yamaha 50cc scooter, which was beginning to lose it's desire to go up hills. She commutes to the UW on it. Her old helmet was scratched up and didn't match the new scooter so we dropped into our nearby Suzuki dealer to get her a new one. While she's trying on helmets, I naturally wander over to the big boys' bikes...the 1500cc+ cruisers.

Out of the blue, she comes over and tells me I should get one. No prerequisites, and she was OK with a new one. First the Mini and now this. I love my wife!

However, I am (was, still am) a fair weather rider and couldn't justify the $13k or so for a new bike when it's unlikely I will put 2,000 miles a year on it. But I did find a good deal on this 2006 model with only 12,000 miles, in mint condition (only missing a backrest) across the pond in Bremerton. I went over and bought it today, going back tomorrow to bring it to its new home in sunnier weather.

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It's not a Harley, but I don't care. I just have to figure a way to strap the Telesteps to it and I might even do the odd condo on it. [;)]

Sorry...I'm an almost 60-year old child with a new toy and I had to tell someone! [:-bonc01]

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For a minute there, I thought you meant you really "upgraded the wife"!

Hey, what better place to tell someone than here?????

It's a big boy bike. Get a little trailer to put behind it. See em all the time around here. The trailers I see around here would handle both my knock off 11 foot ladder and the LG 17 along with my tools and crawl space gear.

Ah, one of these days!

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I'm also looking for (2) 50cc scooters to take with us when we go camping to zip around the campground and such. Headed to the Keys in June so hopefully I'll find a couple on craigslist before we go. They would be really handy to tool around Key West as well.

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