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Prince William County, Virginia Inspectors

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Any here, or anyone know a good one?

I've got a person moving to that area who wants an inspector that will let him attend the full inspection.

Prefers computerized reports with digital photos included.

I inspected his house here today. He's gonna be stuck for quite a bit of repairs. Had a realtor recommended checklist toting buckethead (did I say that right, Walter?) do the one here a couple of years ago without him attending.

This is just one of the things that didn't make the buckethead's list of important things to note.

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Uh, that round brown thing in the middle of the picture is the damper the guy opened the few times he used the fireplace.

You're right though, It can really transfer heat quicker without all that crappy insulation stuff.

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Originally posted by Erby

Had a realtor recommended checklist toting buckethead (did I say that right, Walter?) do the one here a couple of years ago without him attending.

You are correct, sir, except that it sounds a little better if you drop the "g" on toting. I prefer "checklist-totin' buckethead."

I say we round 'em all up and send 'em to Gitmo.


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