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RAL Inspection Services

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Thank you all for your interesting remarks. I expect past Presidents of this great country have been accused as I have of "writing like a pompous windbag". So be it. I find here thus far many of the strengths that make this country strong, even among some views I clearly disagree with. I also believe life is not about winning or loosing my friends, but about truth and virtue tempered by love. We each speak, or write from where we are now arrived in our own lives. Our "viewpoint of experience", as it is. Mine happens to encompass what I believe to be a truth of

"to cease from strife is honor."

With that said, I will respond to the operations of RAL and the facts I experienced directly to Mr. Wagoner when I hear from him. My time is clearly at least as valuable as others. So my question is, do you guys have positive information to share in this forum with the same nose brushing passion you attacked me with? I'm tough enough, so no worries regarding your comments and me. I admire the furvor which I apparently created by my comments, but hope to read more helpful and quietly non-judgmental comments here in the future. Else, what is the point of the forum if people are attacked for expressing their views even called pompous. Learned, professional men, grow positively when presented with a challenge. I trust that will occur in this forum as well. In regards my comments and the fair question regarding RAL's Field Forms, those performing radon testing for them would benefit by reviewing the forms yourself and then read the regulations by EPA yourself. Continuing education as we know is important to maintain professional standards. Several items should immediately come to your attention. I do not intend my words to be argumentative here, but helpful to all of us and RAL's best interest as well. I will post again after Mr. Wagoner has been in contact with me. I will affirmatively state that I am pleased mostly with the responses here and thank you for my welcome.

Lots of words. No content.

In what ways, exactly, were RAL's forms inappropriate or not to protocol?

Until you answer that question, you've got absolutely no credibility here.

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Well, you could always show virtue and love by manning up and apologizing to Mr. Wagner for a low blow...

As far as the value of this forum, your statements only reveal you haven't perused the site. If you had, there'd be no reason to wonder. There are some great minds here - true champions of the profession. And, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience hanging out here.

If you wish to avoid a dose of hoof in mouth disease, and the embarrassment that goes along with it, you might want to pump the brakes. Jim K, is one of the best authorities on good writing in the country. You'll come to realize that one way or another.

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I don't see a problem with leaving the post up. The only criticism I have of it is that it probably should have been posted in Inspector Rants instead of Open Topics.

It doesn't really make a difference whether it's his first post here or his thousandth; if he has an opinion about a company he's unhappy with and he wants to share it here, he has a right to do so. If others disagree with that opinion they have a right to dispute it, as is happening here, and readers can decide for themselves whether they care to believe it or not.

It's not a whole lot different from someone going onto Angie's list and flaming someone for what they consider poor service; with the single exception being that we don't charge folks to read those criticisms and the responses from all parties.

I can look back through years of posts and find dozens of posts where someone - many of them the regulars - has criticized some firm or entity. It's an open forum. Until it crosses the line into criminal libel and defamation of character, it's allowed.



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I owe no man an apology and offer none. I delivered documented facts from my experience when his company contacted me. I responded a moment ago to comments about credibility from an editor of this forum which are not showing prior to my attempt to post here. It takes two to argue and frankly because my position is not stated in a manner that satifies your versions of peace, that is your concern.

My previous post which I did not see ... I may have failed to hit submit button properly.

Why do you contend so, as if I need your permission to have credibility. Be at peace. Download the EPA regulations and read for yourself. Compare them with the forms from RAL. It is in everyone's best interest if you would honor this. Thanks.

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I owe no man an apology and offer none. I delivered documented facts from my experience when his company contacted me.

I must have missed the documented facts part. Where, exactly, are they? All I read were wild accusations -- in red, no less. No documents. No facts.

I responded a moment ago to comments about credibility from an editor of this forum which are not showing prior to my attempt to post here. It takes two to argue and frankly because my position is not stated in a manner that satifies your versions of peace, that is your concern.

My previous post which I did not see ... I may have failed to hit submit button properly.

Why do you contend so, as if I need your permission to have credibility. Be at peace. Download the EPA regulations and read for yourself. Compare them with the forms from RAL. It is in everyone's best interest if you would honor this. Thanks.

You're not credible because you don't back up your accusations with facts. I would happily compare RAL's forms with the EPA regs, but I don't have access to RAL's forms. It seems, from your statement, that you do.

So if you want to make your point convincingly, tell us exactly what the problem is.

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I tried to email you from the forum, but evidently it did not work. It is unfortunate that the forum has turned into an apparent attack on your original post. With that said, I feel that your post was primed for harsh criticism as it was harsh in its delivery. I respect the freedom to express your opinion and appreciate constructive criticism, but questioning the integrity of members of my staff and my company overall from 1 questionable experience is completely inappropriate on a public forum like this. Although my staff is not perfect as we work in a less than perfect business with extreme timing pressure from our clients, I will defend them against what I perceive as personal attacks. The two ladies you mentioned in your post are wonderful employees and even better souls that care deeply about doing the right thing at work, in the community and in life in general. They did not deserve to have their names posted in your criticism regardless of your point of view. Say what you want about your experience, our forms and RAL in general, but do not cross the line in a public forum with my staff.

After reviewing the forms that were sent to you, I realize that they are dated and could be improved. I am interested in your specific concerns as we are always looking for ways to improve based on constructive criticism. Please feel free to send them to me personally at your convenience.

In closing, I am not one to stoke a fire and honestly do not find much value in back and forth mud slinging on forums like this. We are both businessmen with hopefully more important things to do, but if personal attacks on my staff continue, I will react to the fullest extent available. I would appreciate it if you would at least remove their names from your original post and not get personal with any future public communications.


Mike Wagner


RAL Inspection Services


800-766-2366 ext 333

Mike Wagner


RAL Inspection Services


800-766-2366 ext 333

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I believe in full disclosure too. The individuals named in my original post are a part of the facts not an attack. Your post Mr. Wagner and one other on here may be considered a threat to me. Is that how you meant it?

Also, if you want to discuss a consultant fee to straighten out your own operations because you appear you need it and recognize there are problems with it we can do so. But be advised not to attempt threatening statements or actions against anyone, especially me. I made no attack on anyone. Your personnel (Name removed by moderator.) stated there was no rush to get the radon test performed and also that she would call me back at 2:30 PM that afternoon. She did not call, not yet have I been called back by her. Also, after I called your offices back later the next day, I was told by (Name removed by moderator.), that the radon test had been assigned.

Fact is when I found your company on the Internet and called to speak with (Name removed by moderator.), I was told she was new and had not yet arrived at work. That is how I ended up speaking with (Name removed by moderator.). She simply did not do what she stated she would do. This is not an attack at all, but rather a fact. I was hoping to spare the blatant problems and non-compliance issues relating to EPA protocol knowing the possible lawsuits which may arise from it, but you seem bent on your present posture, so even though there may be multiple non-compliance issues, I will share one fact from your form. Inspectors were advised to add 12 hours to the test if closed building conditions were not maintained prior to the test. This clearly is in conflict with standard business practices within EPA protoco. Maybe a plaintiff's attorney will not view this forum or contact me about other non-compliance items. Good luck to you. I spoke the truth, regardless of your approval and judgement of it's delivery.

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So does he pay you or what? Is your sense of smell bothered at all?

I tried to protect all of you who do radon testing for them and even let them know they should look at their operations too to help protect them. And the thanks I get is being accused of stating the facts in such manner that displeased so many of you here. Thanks to those who reserved their judgement. To those who know it all in life, best wishes. I don't want business from any entity so shortsighted as not to care what the real facts are, much less the EPA protocols around which they base their business. If an apology is due, it may be to all of us from all of us. Greatly disappointed. Hiding truth helped bankrupt this nation. Get a grip and some backbone. It's not just your bank account or your lungs these issues affect. Protect the health of others. Do it right, or don't provide services at all. Learn what you don't know. There are volumes each can share with others in an upright manner without assuming someone is attacking them. I wanted to state the facts and get past the call screeners to object to the manner in which I was treated by this company. I found this forum on a Google search for this particular comment thread and that is how my first post was posted here. Frankly if someone asked RAL to contact me or if their own personnel had forwarded an obvious vendor complaint to them all this may have been avoided. Ask questions be sure you have the facts first even if you don't like a harsh delivery from someone you contacted first and then failed to leave a telephone number in the voicemail for them to call you back. I would be glad someone to the time to explain the problems in my customer service and operations issues. Thanks.

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Mr Robinson,

Some of the ones reading this do not have the forms from RAL you are talking about. Would you post them here so we can see them.

Then if you would point out the areas you have problems with.

Also would you answer the question in post #16.


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I owe no man an apology and offer none.

How apropos. . .

First compares himself to presidents, now this; almost


I want Eli back.

I'm pretty conservative when it comes to politics--though I'm socially moderate--but there absolutely are some kooks who lean the same way I do. I can smell a foil-hat wearing, fundamentalist from a mile away. And I'm definitely picking up an odor . . .

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Hello Jim R,

Your home page has a comment: 'We respect your Email privacy'. Is this not so?


Hey Marc. Yes, that is correct. It applies to the Free Radon Report it is obviously part of that provides good information about radon should you need it. Fill it out and see how it works if you like.

For others asking about forms, I will make available a download link next week for everyone. You guys are right to be tough and expect facts and so I have decided to deliver as requested by several here. Busy now but will try and send pics of forms to those requesting by email prior to next week. Just register for the free report area I was asked about and I am happy to email pics of forms.

Hope it helps settle things down to a dull roar. It is important to do testing correctly to help protect the lives of others. The only intent is to correctly perform the tests with correct instructions given to those performing the test. It just is not the case in my opinion based upon information I was provided by RAL personnel. I even sent them an email pointing this out and stated I am happy to discuss this with them when they call, but she never did call, only acknowledged receipt of my email and said she would call at 2:30. That's just the facts with no intent to attack anyone.

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So does he pay you or what? Is your sense of smell bothered at all?

No, sir. This is why RAL has a special place in my heart:

http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/note ... 7883964795

(If you're unable to view my note of 2009 on FaceBook, a copy is at the bottom of this post)

RAL was the relocation company mentioned in the note. When they showered me with those 32 initial inspections, I booked every one of them within minutes of receiving the order. And, every time they shot me an e-mail, I responded within minutes. Within, the first few days of working with them, they sent me an e-mail, in jest, asking me, "Can you teach other home inspectors to respond like this?", and closed by calling me "Wonder Boy". They actually noticed and recognized good service. Anyone I've ever spoken to, or conversed with by e-mail, has always been as kind, thoughtful and business like as one could ever dream of.

So, since you brought up the word love, I must admit that I do love them. And I know what it is to love and respect someone or something. You know, the kind of deep inner voice that would tell anyone with a conscience that you don't post someone's personal e-mail to you on the Internet, whether you like them or not? Nah, you apparently can't comprehend such a guideline. It appears that you're actually proud that you did it. No, you're too busy playing Don Quixote - off to slay the dragon, not even realizing it's a good dragon. Pity...

My three years of experience with RAL causes me to wonder: Could your experience with RAL possibly have more to do with you, than them? As Jim Katen suggested, it might be beneficial to take a long hard look in the mirror this morning...

Anything I write regarding RAL, from this moment forward, would detract from this final post, so I'm definitely done with this thread.

Regarding Mark P's original question, which he too knows the answer to, take it from me, if you wish to work for a stellar organization, don't have any suspicions about working for RAL. If you are able to:

1. book inspections speedily

2. inspect a home thoroughly

3. present your findings in a clear and concise manner

4. take good photographs

5. answer the phone

RAL will love you to death and treat you right. I actually, unlike Mr. Robinson, KNOW this to be a fact. Since 2009 they've probably sent a good 650 home inspections my way, and over the last three years, that's been God sent.

PS. I realize that some of you can't go to the link above. It is a note I wrote on FaceBook a few years back. So, here it is:

The Power of Prayer.

by Michael G Bryan on Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 9:40am.

Back when the economy first started to come to a screeching halt, I was sitting on the tarmac at Leguardia Airport having just spent a wonderful weekend with my son, Timothy, who models for the Ford Agency in New York City.

As I stared at the calender in my SideKick the chilling fact that I had a mere two inspections for the week, when I was accustomed to fourteen, was beyond sobering. I was in deep trouble and I knew it. This was apparently the week I would plummet into the red never to surface. My financial setup was cruising at ninety miles an hour for a brick wall.

There was nothing else I could possibly do but pray and nothing could possibly turn things around quick enough but a miracle. So, for one of the few times in my life, that is exactly what I petitioned God for - a miracle.

I didn't know what was in the future, but I rested in the fact that I had turned the entire affair over to God with the intention of doing everything I could possibly do on my end to bring in revenue and reduce my cost of living pronto.

I went to bed that evening, without thinking any more about.

In the morning at 8:00 AM sharp the phone rang. It was a national relocation company that I had never even heard of asking me if I would help them. They explained that they had been asking around town for names of inspectors and mine came up consistently. Of course, I happily agreed to work for them.

In eight hours, while I slept, my prayer was answered so completely there was no way to even question it. In twenty-four hours from the moment I asked God for His intervention, I went from two inspections to THIRTY-TWO inspections.

That company knows the entire story and we've been working together ever since.

When my brother passed away, I received the most amazing card from them complete with personal notes from each and every employee. In truth, that very card and all of their thoughts, prayers and wishes, became the needed trigger to cause the grief melt-down that had eluded me until that moment. We have become like family to each other.

Never doubt the power of prayer..

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To the general Brethren, this is one time I must protest a tiny bit, or at least ask that the moderators quickly smack down any true nonsense.

This is a public forum, but I really don't think this is about RAL. As Jerry so eloquently put it, this is about a guy with a Savior complex. And, the welfare of a good company is in the balance...

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To the general Brethren, this is one time I must protest a tiny bit, or at least ask that the moderators quickly smack down any true nonsense.

This is a public forum, but I really don't think this is about RAL. As Jerry so eloquently put it, this is about a guy with a Savior complex. And, the welfare of a good company is in the balance...

Brother Mike, I don't think one guy couldn't alone destroy the welfare of that company, but censoring him might start a trend that would negatively impact the foundation of the forum, IMHO.

We've got some wise moderators here.


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To the general Brethren, this is one time I must protest a tiny bit, or at least ask that the moderators quickly smack down any true nonsense.

This is a public forum, but I really don't think this is about RAL. As Jerry so eloquently put it, this is about a guy with a Savior complex. And, the welfare of a good company is in the balance...

Brother Mike, I don't think one guy couldn't alone destroy the welfare of that company, but censoring him might start a trend that would negatively impact the foundation of the forum, IMHO.

We've got some wise moderators here.


No doubt, Marc, and censoring is the last thing I'm advocating. But, most of the allegations regarding the "professionalism" are leveled by a guy, based upon a couple phone calls, or missed ones. That's not much to formulate an opinion on, let alone start broadcasting it as a fact.

There are several contributors to this thread that know, for a fact, it's a total miss-representation of the company.

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