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RAL Inspection Services

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Anyone have experience working with this compamy?

Good - Bad - Indeference....

I know the pay is less, but I think it would help fill in the holes in the schedule.


I've never done relo inspections, so I can't tell you anything about that. However, if they're the same company that I'm thinking of, they've been around for quite a while. I did a job for them in 2000. They wanted me to evaluate the siding on a house. Their relo inspector had flagged the siding as a possible problem. I gave them a detailed report with pictures and copies of the siding manufacturer's installation instructions. I billed them at my normal rate and I had my check within a week. I dealt with a young lady named Mary. They were an excellent customer and I wouldn't hesitate doing work for them again.

They behaved much better than other similar companies who've hired me to do odd inspecting jobs. They seemed like good people with good business practices.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Thanks. They called yesterday and want me to work for them. They said it would be 2-4 jobs a month. When a job comes up they noify me and I have the option of taking it or declining it. I have 7 days to do the inspection and e-mail the report (on their format) & photos.

I think I'll give it a shot. I'm busy now, but that will change and this will help fill the holes in my schedule.

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Thanks. They called yesterday and want me to work for them. They said it would be 2-4 jobs a month. When a job comes up they noify me and I have the option of taking it or declining it. I have 7 days to do the inspection and e-mail the report (on their format) & photos.

I think I'll give it a shot. I'm busy now, but that will change and this will help fill the holes in my schedule.

Working is better than not working.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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  • 1 year later...

EXTREMELY BAD EXPERIENCE here. (Name removed by moderator.) account rep sent RAL Field Forms for radon. They had items on them that were not EPA protocol and other items that were not appropriate for Certified Radon Measurement Personnel. Very dissapointing first impression of this company. Non-professional in their activities, their forms and their actions in my opinion.

Relocation companies and corporate level accounts should take another look instead of assuming these folks are compliant with EPA regulations so they don't end up loosing a lawsuit, since RAL has this great disclaimer, which an attorney may suggest a group of peers should disregard since the services offered are not EPA compliant to begin with. The RAL Field Form I received is a 3 page form dated 12/2007.

(Name removed by moderator.) is the individual I spoke with and who emaled me the forms. She also asked that I call her right back and that there was no rush to get the radon testing done. However, when I called back the following day after NOT RECEIVING HER CALL AT 2:30 that afternoon as (Name removed by moderator.) previously stated she would do, (Name removed by moderator.) (who called me originally and left a voice mail to call her but no telephone number where I could do so. I had to find her via Internet.) put me on hold, then came back on the phone and stated the job had already been filled. Naturally, one may think I am miffed about not getting the job. This is NOT the case as I COULD NOT TOLERATE INACCURATE FORMS and OPEN LIABILITY TO MY Certification and my Business. I told them to take me off their list and not to call me anymore as they are unprofessional and simply do not keep their commitments or their word! I rate this company ZERO both in professionalism and a ZERO RATING in Integrity.

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I've worked with all four of the big relo inspection companies for years and get along fabulously with all of them. The pay could be better but if you can schedule things in a timely manner (which most apparently can't) they'll love you to death. And, they all pay in a timely manner. No complaints here. They've gotten me through the worst times. I moved probably 300 folks out of Richmond for the Wells Fargo/Wachovia buy out.

I hate to contradict, but my experience with RAL has be outstanding in every imaginable way.

One has to wonder about a guy who has one post to his name, and the motive is to drag a company through the mud. He apparently has an axe to grind, but this isn't the place.

I really think that post should be removed. I can attest to the fact that he has totally misrepresented RAL, whch is unjust

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As a matter of fact, if you ever really wish to learn how you're doing, as a home inspector, do relo inspections. Within 90 to 120 days, another home inspector will be happy to let you know (indirectly). Right, Scott?

Relo companies are very understanding, but you'll hear from them much faster than the average home buyer, regarding your shorcomings. And, if you miss a anything, they will expect you to ante up. Doing relo inspections isn't for sissies...

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I've worked w/ RAL since starting this thread and have had no problems. I also work with "Inspection Connection" on occation and too am glad for the extra work. I've never had anything come back to me.

As far as radon goes, I do the test IAW EPA and State protocalls, send them my regular report along with the addition form RAL wants. RAL's form is a bit of a pain, but not a big deal.

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I've worked w/ RAL since starting this thread and have had no problems. I also work with "Inspection Connection" on occation and too am glad for the extra work. I've never had anything come back to me.

As far as radon goes, I do the test IAW EPA and State protocalls, send them my regular report along with the addition form RAL wants. RAL's form is a bit of a pain, but not a big deal.


I have been working with Inspection Connection since 1994. If you can please Bill, you can please anyone on the planet.

He and Valaria are good folks.

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My name is Mike Wagner, President of RAL Inspection Services, and I feel obligated to respond to this thread. It is unfortunate that Radonfinders (Mr. Robinson) had a bad experience with our placement department as it is never our intention to upset any potential contractor during the course of an initial interview or throughout the inspection process. I feel his comment was posted in the heat of the moment after his perceived “bad experienceâ€

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Haven't worked with RAL, yet, but have a few of the others and still do some. They're generally pretty easy clients, as long as you do a good inspection in a timely manner. But Michael's right. It ain't for the sissies that do a half ass job.

I'd think this board is NOT the place to display complaints from the first post a person makes.

I'd think it was a candidate for moderator removal.

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Haven't worked with RAL, yet, but have a few of the others and still do some. They're generally pretty easy clients, as long as you do a good inspection in a timely manner. But Michael's right. It ain't for the sissies that do a half ass job.

I'd think this board is NOT the place to display complaints from the first post a person makes.

I'd think it was a candidate for moderator removal.

The post doesn't technically violate the Forum Rules & Guidelines. It also generated good responses, including a very professional response from the RAL president.
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I agree. I'm just thankful, for RAL's sake, that Mr. Wagner hopped on here and set the record straight.

The initial post simply wasn't cricket, in my book.

When you have a problem with someone, you lay it before them. You don't go knifing them in the back. But, I know I'm preaching to the choir here - among so many pros.

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Hello all. Those judgmental and otherwise. I did state the facts. The most professional response received from RAL was in this forum's comments. I am happy to discuss the facts. Both here and "offline" via email with RAL. I also am interested to see diggs sent at me here by some who (by their comments sniper style) appear to be doing to me exactly what they accuse me of when they have no facts regarding this situation to support suggesting removing anyone from a forum while they talk of knifing someone in the back. Juvenile as I believe these comments to be, they sure appeared to be a dig at me and seem most inappropriate.

I suggest we tall just about facts, and not about emotions. We should all care about providing the most professional service for our clients and work together to promote that. I stated the facts as I was involved in the matter. I further believe it appropriate their management should respond here. That is exactly what I hoped for. Hopefully each of us will find something positive in working through professional issues in a professional manner. It appears clear from my first impression that there may be a need for RAL to review EPA protocol issues regarding radon testing. I welcome an email from their President to discuss this amicably. The results and main points of our discussion I am happy to share here for all of you as well.

Lastly, it is unfortunate that my first post in this forum was of a negative nature, howbeit factual. It is also unfortunate for RAL that their first foot forward in contacting me stumbled so badly. That can, as we all know, happen to the best of us. I trust we will move forward in a positive manner to resolve issues important to all of us here in the forum. There are many opportunities each of us may benefit from regarding this situation. Let's begin as men and allow each other the respect of a differing viewpoint even if we don't agree with it. Possibly, withholding judgement until we actually really do have all the facts would be helpful as well. I look forward to a positive resolution of the issues here for all of us.

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Hello all. Those judgmental and otherwise. I did state the facts. The most professional response received from RAL was in this forum's comments. I am happy to discuss the facts. Both here and "offline" via email with RAL. I also am interested to see diggs sent at me here by some who (by their comments sniper style) appear to be doing to me exactly what they accuse me of when they have no facts regarding this situation to support suggesting removing anyone from a forum while they talk of knifing someone in the back. Juvenile as I believe these comments to be, they sure appeared to be a dig at me and seem most inappropriate.

So far, you haven't presented any facts at all. Just allegations. You've also chosen an odd way to introduce yourself to an online community, yelling the words, "Extremely bad experience," right out of the gate. If you'd like to talk about inappropriate and juvenile behavior, look in the mirror first.

I suggest we tall just about facts, and not about emotions. We should all care about providing the most professional service for our clients and work together to promote that. I stated the facts as I was involved in the matter. I further believe it appropriate their management should respond here. That is exactly what I hoped for. Hopefully each of us will find something positive in working through professional issues in a professional manner. It appears clear from my first impression that there may be a need for RAL to review EPA protocol issues regarding radon testing. I welcome an email from their President to discuss this amicably. The results and main points of our discussion I am happy to share here for all of you as well.

What are the facts, then? In what ways, exactly, were the forms that you saw inappropriate or not to protocol?

Lastly, it is unfortunate that my first post in this forum was of a negative nature, howbeit factual. It is also unfortunate for RAL that their first foot forward in contacting me stumbled so badly. That can, as we all know, happen to the best of us. I trust we will move forward in a positive manner to resolve issues important to all of us here in the forum. There are many opportunities each of us may benefit from regarding this situation. Let's begin as men and allow each other the respect of a differing viewpoint even if we don't agree with it. Possibly, withholding judgement until we actually really do have all the facts would be helpful as well. I look forward to a positive resolution of the issues here for all of us.

Howbiet? How's this for a fact: You write like a pompous windbag.

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And, Mr. Robinson (Is that Simon and Garfunkel I hear singing in the background?), you have the right to frame my responses in any way that you please.

What is truly "unfortunate", is the fact that you don't know anyone at RAL, but felt perfectly comfortable throwing out the name of someone I receive e-mails from and speak with on a monthly, if not weekly basis. I know quite a number of the folks over there. I've worked closely with them for years, and almost feel a bit like family. They're very kind folks - good natured to the core. What did you expect? What would you do if someone showed up and started bashing friends or yours?

The word "Juvenile" isn't even really worthy of any more of a response than this sentence. Why don't we just hone in on the word "professional"? I would not dream of writing a post like you did about a company, and don't believe most of the guys here would either.

And, you're dead wrong when you say that I did to you what you did to RAL. You were able to respond to my comments immediately, as I am to yours. On the other hand, had I not called your post to RAL's attention, they would have NEVER known you floated this flaming barge of crap about them down the river. How is it the same?...

If professionalism doesn't keep a fire in you belly try this: "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you."

Once we finally gain control of ourselves in life, there are plenty things, in the back of our mind, we might like to do, but think better of it.

I'm not going to bat this ball back and forth anymore. I'm done. Just suffice it to say that, for my part, you're welcome here, and I'm going to forget all of this happened. Consider yourself baptized by TIJ. Just check any evil intents at the proverbial door.

We all get this kinda warm and fuzzy feeling by really pushing the boundaries of jest, and yet have a total reverence for professionalism. It's the very root of this forum.

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Thank you all for your interesting remarks. I expect past Presidents of this great country have been accused as I have of "writing like a pompous windbag". So be it. I find here thus far many of the strengths that make this country strong, even among some views I clearly disagree with. I also believe life is not about winning or loosing my friends, but about truth and virtue tempered by love. We each speak, or write from where we are now arrived in our own lives. Our "viewpoint of experience", as it is. Mine happens to encompass what I believe to be a truth of

"to cease from strife is honor."

With that said, I will respond to the operations of RAL and the facts I experienced directly to Mr. Wagoner when I hear from him. My time is clearly at least as valuable as others. So my question is, do you guys have positive information to share in this forum with the same nose brushing passion you attacked me with? I'm tough enough, so no worries regarding your comments and me. I admire the furvor which I apparently created by my comments, but hope to read more helpful and quietly non-judgmental comments here in the future. Else, what is the point of the forum if people are attacked for expressing their views even called pompous. Learned, professional men, grow positively when presented with a challenge. I trust that will occur in this forum as well. In regards my comments and the fair question regarding RAL's Field Forms, those performing radon testing for them would benefit by reviewing the forms yourself and then read the regulations by EPA yourself. Continuing education as we know is important to maintain professional standards. Several items should immediately come to your attention. I do not intend my words to be argumentative here, but helpful to all of us and RAL's best interest as well. I will post again after Mr. Wagoner has been in contact with me. I will affirmatively state that I am pleased mostly with the responses here and thank you for my welcome.

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