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I've done a handful, but wasn't warned about the domestic situation prior to the inspection. I've done a few for a sibling buying the property from the other heirs - they were much more "tense". It's never been something that I couldn't handle. (I'm looking to upgrade my brass pair to tungsten carbide) They're really in need of a competent inspection and someone experienced in these situations.

There was one, that the wife was living in the farmhouse and the husband lived in one of the apartments in the barn. She was forcing him out of his share of the property. The husband had been known to do some pretty nasty stuff, so her lawyers arranged for 2 county constables to escort us for the entire inspection.

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I get a call from a woman who said she is in the middle of a divorce and is buying her husband out of his share of the home. She would like me to do the inspection for her but her husband wants to be there as I go through the home.

I got stuck doing one of those several years ago. I wasn't told that the lawyer had recommended the inspection, and that the report was being used in court. The lawyer called me up after the inspection and told me he'd see me in court.......... At least I was paid EW fees for a day.

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I've done a few of those. I'm just a hired flashlight, so it never bothered me. Looking around and writing my thoughts down is how I feed my kids, so I just try to stay focused on that and try not to get distracted by who else is there and what they might be thinking.

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Divorce influenced home inspections are becoming the norm across the country. A Nashville attorney has launched a series of seminars from coast to coast called Divorce this House. The idea is to insure that whoever ends up with the house does not get into a money pit situation when they get the home in the settlement. The condition of the home is brought out into the open so that everyone knows upfront what they are getting.

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