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NAHI broke off unification talks with ASHI?

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It was mentioned here by someone and then confirmed a couple of days ago. It might be the "unification" talk that is the problem. Although it seemed that ASHI was eager to go for it, I don't think that NAHI was interested in much more than doing some joint projects together.

Maybe to NAHI the prospective first date started looking more like an obsessed suitor/stalker interested more in marriage than a plutonic relationship.



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This was sent out yesterday to the ASHI membership in a newsletter. It is a short comment from the ASHI President, Bill Richardson.

Rumors may be rampant, but the facts are simple: In spite of positive survey results, NAHI has broken off unification talks and notified ASHI that it has disbanded its joint venture task force.

ASHI President Bill Richardson expressed his disappointment over the recent developments, stating that the door remains open to NAHI and its members.

The joint survey results will be published in the May ASHI Reporter, which will be available May 1 online.

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Of course the downturn in the ecomony had nothing to do with people not spending money. [:-paperba

In North Carolina, 300 less inspectors renewed their home inspector license in October than the previous year. Guess what? Membership in the local home inspector association dropped. The local chapter waived dues for renewals for the upcoming cycle in an effort to maintain membership. The state chapter reviewed its budget and by focusing on core tasks, were able to hold dues to the same level. Guess what? Even so membership is down.

I am willing to bet that when license renewal rolls around in October there will be even more inspectors who do not renew.

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Strange that NAHI feels the recent ASHI/NAHI survey was flawed. I wonder what kind of responses NAHI got when home inspectors responded on why they didn't renew compared to responses from the survey. I have a hard time believing it's because of "mixed messages or rumors" and home inspectors "waiting it out" that caused this kind of response. Unless they felt there were enough NAHI inspectors that do not want to belong to ASHI so they didn't want to take the chance of their money going towards ASHI, hence "waiting it out".

It sounds like ASHI is overall pleased with the survey.

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Eight-hundred and thirty-six souls walking around with TN HI licenses right now.

That's about five hundred more than Tennessee needs.

IMHO, culling the herd would be a good thing. Our little profession needs quality, not quantity.


Actually, as of last Monday we were down by 273 who had not renewed their license! My guess is we will be down to around 400 home inspectors state wide by July!

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Even with a possible merger pending, I paid my NAHI dues. I figured I would get credit for my money either way.

The two orgs are so much alike, I thought a merger was likely. I think it is the sensible thing to do.

I bet it was broken off due to just a few who were worrying about their position in the ranks of power being questionable in a merger.

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I bet it was broken off due to just a few who were worrying about their position in the ranks of power being questionable in a merger.

Well, the letter does mention a 3-man committee that didn't want to trust the survey results from the rank and file.

That's what happens when you vest too much in the hands of too few. A lot of the names at the top of both of those organizations seem to have been there for an awful long time.



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I bet it was broken off due to just a few who were worrying about their position in the ranks of power being questionable in a merger.

Well, the letter does mention a 3-man committee that didn't want to trust the survey results from the rank and file.



They don need no stinkin survey. They no what's best.

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Let me shed some light on this thread if I may.

I have been a NAHI member for many years and participated on several committees. This close relationship provided insight to the inner workings of NAHI, therefore, bearing credence to communicate the following;

Over 20 years ago, NAHI was formed by a few individuals having differences with ASHI. Now, I foresee that NAHI’s current leaders are willing to fall on their swords for the sake of those aged differences by some self-serving individuals. This attitude bears enough resemblance to place the letter ‘C’ in the middle of the NAHI acronym.

The abrupt decision to dissolve the ASHI/NAHI talks and Task Force raises the biggest red flag by the mere fact that the survey results were not disclosed to members. NAHI members are simply being held in total disregard and misrepresented through a secret decision-making process of the current leaders. Secrecy and ASHI hate-mongering appears to be the mentality for this coming year. The recent video message by the President appears nothing more than a blatant and obvious message from the Old Regime. Recent elections have brought to surprise the resurrection of a candidate having utter disdain for ASHI. For one to come back and play a role in leadership at their age brings forth the question as to why?

Over the past few years, I've spoken to many NAHI members across the country and the popular subject of joining together the two most significant associations has dominated discussions. Consensus seemed to steer toward breaking bread together for the sake of common cause and betterment of our image. This has been substantiated in the past couple of years by the widespread joint participation of chapters regarding meetings and local seminars. If one takes time to look at it objectively, it’s childish when the Real Estate industry is subjected to constant ‘mine is better than theirs’ innuendo.

The current NAHI Board has now, all of a sudden, spat in the faces of its membership which took the time to convey their message, be it favorable or unfavorable. They basically have stripped away the rights of membership to speak openly with their individual minds & freedoms. The President claims the survey questions were flawed. Who decided this? Leadership or members? If the questions were flawed, then publish the free will comments which were allowed to be typed in at the end of the survey. Let’s see what everyone had to say. For that matter, why don’t we hear how many NAHI members voted as well?

I CHALLENGE the NAHI Board to disclose results of the survey in it’s entirety.

I CHALLENGE the NAHI Board to disclose the Board member vote tally on record in regards to disavow participation or merger with ASHI and dissolve the Task Force.

As so the NAHI President states in his video that the best interest of membership is at the forefront of their decision, only this true form of disclosure would show whether the NAHI Board has the member’s interest truly at heart. Silence and lack of disclosure would positively acknowledge impropriety and lack of regard for membership.

Speaking of the latest video announcement, NAHI’s President quotes mistruth’s of the NAHI voting membership to be at 1500. Have you counted the recently updated website after the March 31st renewal deadline purging? I count 1,150 including Retirees. That figure reflects approximately 500 non-renewals compared to last years membership numbers. It appears that non-renewals have sent a message and NAHI's own President has no clue as to the number of members he presides over. Sounds like another wack job we all know.

I call out to NAHI members to challenge the current Board in numerous areas and look carefully as to the merits of this Association and it’s direction or lack of.

CHALLENGE the current Board to reveal the solvency of NAHI.

CHALLENGE the current Board to open the true financial records for the past 5 years. This one could strike a ‘deer in the headlights’ reaction.

CHALLENGE the current board to publish recent NAHI officer election results and total number of member voters. Were voters paid members at the time they voted? Do NAHI members not have the rights to see these? Unless, it's a matter of the good ol' boys network at play in this Association or should it be called a 'club'.

CHALLENGE the current Board to reveal any benefits to membership that have been accomplished in the 1st quarter of this year.

CHALLENGE the current Board to publish the names and contact #’s of active members on any standing committee in the Member’s Only area of the NAHI website. Request specifically the publishing of all committee meeting dates held and minutes. Why do you think they recently solicited volunteers? Maybe because most committee’s are inactive except for a possible NAHI officer or Harrington Staff person as committee chair and sole volunteer.

CHALLENGE the current Board to reveal if they have sent out ‘Requests for Proposals’ to management firms other than the Harrington company. (Ask to see those proposals.) After all, we know every responsible Association would put that out to bid and especially in hard times such as these to help membership receive extra value for their dues. Anyone care to CHALLENGE why a prior Executive Director was removed?

CHALLENGE the current Board to formally announce that two Board members have recently resigned.

If you do not see physical proof to these CHALLENGES and mere silence abodes, I would suggest that you reconsider your membership in an Association that cannot be forthright as to where your hard earned dues are going to.

I urge that NAHI members stand up and either demand answers or send a message by considering more viable options. Don't wait until the NAHI Board belatedly orchestrates messages to you while having to hear it first on a message board or from another Association's members whom were clearly communicated to by their Leaders.

Yes, this year I purposefully sat on the fence of the renewal deadline. On March 31st, I decided not to renew my NAHI membership and applied a forward thinking open-mindedness to unite with ASHI. I did not feel the current Board could fulfill a new-age philosophy of unity and the proof is in the NAHI Presidents' past announcements and recent video.

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I think Justin should nail that document to the cathedral doors.......

That kind of thing tends to have a greater effect when the author is willing to sign his real name under it.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

For some reason, I think that is his name. Or, he's sham-wow Vince.

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I think Justin should nail that document to the cathedral doors.......

That kind of thing tends to have a greater effect when the author is willing to sign his real name under it.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

I thought I was (kind of) making a joke....... The entire piece has this air of proclamation and formality, as if the weight of civilization was being challenged........

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