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I have no experience with them, but must say they look just like wading boots (fishing). For wading boots with the felt soles, you can start with a cheap 30 dollar pair to see if they will work for you. I am sure others have tried using wading boots--- anyone?


I've decided to ask for a pair of Cougar Paws for my B-day. I want the lighter boot version. At the link below are two types. One has straps and one does not.

If any of you have any experience with these, which one do you think I should ask for?

The straps are aesthetically offensive. Go strapless if you want to look your best as you tumble off the roof.

Here's an old trick for the cheapskates among us: get an old pair of sneakers and glue some rebond carpet padding to the bottoms.

- Jim Katen, Oregon


They're amazing. They work. Get the straps; they hold your foot tight in the boot when your're getting torqued on steep pitches.

They're way better than gluing old carpet scraps to your shoes.

I used to do all sorts of wader alterations when I was a fly fisherman in my youth; indoor/outdoor carpet, contact cemented onto the sole of the wader, made them essentially slip proof on mossy and slick river rock.


Understand, they're just another tool to haul around. But, they are the most unbelievable things for walking roofs. Some of the really hardcore high elevation roof guys wear them.

If you're serious about being safe on a roof, shoes are real important. Cougar paws stick you to the roof.

Or, bear grease.


I have the lace up type, and yes, they really do work. I've not tried the other type.

I do wish I had bought them a 1/2 size small - you end up finding you need all the ankle support you can get.

I keep mine covered with booties until I'm actually stepping onto the ladder, they are a *lot* less effective if they are even slightly wet or dirty.

Also, I don't use them to go up a steeper roof than with other shoes, I use them on the same roofs I used to walk before, only more safely - as I quickly discovered they WILL allow you to EASILY get up on some roofs you REALLY don't want to go back down!


I used them with much the same experience as the other folks. I stopped, only because I scaled back on the roof dancing a little and they did wear out.

Michael is absolutely right they will get you places that will make your legs limp!

Most roofers around here wear high top boat shoes.


I had a pair many years back. They scared the heck out of me because they allowed me to go places I would not normally go. I also noted that they made my knees hurt and even swell, from the torque that was exerted on them due to the slope I could navigate.

I used them for a few months and then stopped due to knee problems.

  • 1 month later...

What do you know? I got em for my B day today. I guess its time to go scare myself on some steep roof. Yikes.

Click to Enlarge

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SWEET! Happy Birthday man.


I wish I'd had a set today.

Three levels of a 10:12 slope all on the same axis on a house built into a hillside; no valleys, no dormers. Front was too high by a story and a half to reach the crest. Only way up was with the 21footer Gorilla ladder to the crest of the garage (it made it with 3 inches to spare), pull that heavy 21footer up fully extended while straddling the ridge of the garage (what a friggin bitch that was), and stand it on the lower roof to reach the crest of the second level (again, it made it with only inches to spare), climb up and then straddle that damned ridge, climb up without a ladder to the next level and keep going. To top it off, the damned roof was jet black and had been absorbing sunlight for about 6 hours before I'd arrived. It was too hot to put my palms on for more than a few seconds at a time.

My ankles were killing me from maintaining a grip at that angle. By the time I'd done everything in reverse order and had gotten down I was wrung out.

Normally, my Rockports grip pretty tenaciously but today they were struggling to maintain a grip. Maybe it's time to spring for a pair of those Cougar Paws.

By the time I was done with that animal I had to go sit down and rest for about 30 minutes before I could continue the inspection. I really need to hire a younger, spryer fellow to do those damned things.




I really need to hire a younger, spryer fellow to do those damned things.

I was lucky enough to have one of those for a few months earlier this year. He'd scramble up 12:12 roofs, put his hands in his pockets & stroll across the ridge. He also cheerfully shimmied into some very nasty crawlspaces on my behalf.

Unfortunately, he just deployed for his second tour of duty in Iraq.

- Jim Katen, Oregon


What do you know? I got em for my B day today. I guess its time to go scare myself on some steep roof. Yikes.

Click to Enlarge

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Happy Birthday John. Mine was on the 14th. Tell us how those new sh#t brick kickers work out. I might have to get a pair.



Gloves, Mike. Gloves!

Yeah, I know; but wearing gloves has always bothered me somehow. Even in the military when I was forced by regs to wear them it used to drive me nuts. Something about the constraining sensation of having my hands covered and losing that tactile sensation.

So, today my palms feel like they're sun burned; which I suppose they are...sort of.




So, Mike. What's up there that you're feeling up, besides (well never mind)?

Tactile sensation or burned hands. Hmm, that's sure a tough choice on a roof!

I prefer the cheap batters type gloves for roof work. Keeps the heat off my hands.

  • 1 year later...

Hi Everyone, I did insurance claims adjusting for a little while. I ended up doing a major hail storm in OK. I swear every house I did was steep and on top of that ..... a slate roof! I had my wife order me some of those Cougar Paws while I was in OK. Didn't get them in time for OK, but took them on next storm in MI. Those shoes are amazing! Unfortunatly, MI was the first and last storm I used them on. I should've bought them long before. I decided to quit the adjusting to spend time with my family and new son - too much traveling. I could make someone a nice deal on a size 11 barely used if anybody is interested. If you go up on roofs regularly you should wear a pair of these, even if you don't need a size 11 from me. Seriously, you may live longer!! Matt 618-974-1368

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I've decided to ask for a pair of Cougar Paws for my B-day. I want the lighter boot version. At the link below are two types. One has straps and one does not.

If any of you have any experience with these, which one do you think I should ask for?

http://www.cougarpaws.com/Merchant2/mer ... gory_Code=

The link you provide isn't working.. Anyways, I agree with John Dirks idea..

I think it's better to buy both at least when something unexpected happens, you still have a spare to change. :)

  • 1 month later...

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