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Not real sure what to say

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Inspection this morning on a home built in 1998, sold in 2000, and has been vacant for about 18 months or so. The bank did do some work to the interior of the residence such as replacing the carpet and lot's of ceiling repairs to the bedrooms.

The second floor has 3 bedrooms, 2 on either end and one in the middle. The ceiling in the 2 bedrooms on either end have "patches", identical where it appears something cylindrical was attached, approx 8-10" wide. The middle bedroom, has 2 small holes in the ceiling which attach to a vent tube, which exits through the roof via the attic area. The middle bedroom has a GFCI installed on the ceiling. One of the bedrooms directly above the garage has an electrical feed connected to a 30 amp breaker(not labeled) which comes up through the floor.

I am stumped. My initial thought was a grow operation, with ceiling vents installed. Anyone have an idea?


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Last time I saw that configuration it was a web based entertainment site. Owners had me as an expert witness vs contractor/mold expert. Owners were from Amsterdam and occupied the house three days per week. We won out of court.

It could be anything. Write that and don't suggest.

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It might just have been an ordinary house wherein someone installed some passive pull-string-operated fresh air vents in the ceilings and connected them to that attic ducting as a way to meet state ventilation requirements. The patched holes are just about the right size and it would have been a more reliable method of venting the bedrooms than relying on a 24-hour timer that someone is sure to screw with because they don't like the thought of sucking heated air out of their house for hours at a time. An amateur would probably install them in the ceiling versus the wall because it would be far easier than drilling 80mm holes through the side walls and then having to deal with sealing around the inlets.



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