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Ah NUTS!!!

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I just screwed up folks. I saw that lisaj had apparently made an unintended duplicate post, so I went to delete the post. Trouble is, I had my head up my butt and I clicked on the wrong X and deleted the topic before I'd realized what I'd done.

Sorry guys! Anyone want to re-start another post about franchises vs. independents?

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by hausdok


I just screwed up folks. I saw that lisaj had apparently made an unintended duplicate post, so I went to delete the post. Trouble is, I had my head up my butt and I clicked on the wrong X and deleted the topic before I'd realized what I'd done.

Sorry guys! Anyone want to re-start another post about franchises vs. independents?

OT - OF!!!


We'll guys you can't get away from me that easy. My post was in response to Scott's post about one of my employee's. Seems he said my inspector had 3 claims in the last year, he also claimed my employee ask him for a job. My post was to clarify that just because claims are filed, does not mean they are legitimate. We listen to anyone who calls us with a complaint legitimate or not. My point was to be careful how you post things considering you never know who is listening. I have since had a conversation with that inspector about the job thing. By the way you guys may hear from this lady alot from now on. I have alot to say
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Originally posted by hausdok

Hi Lisa,

I'm sorry about yesterday's faux pas. Believe me, it wasn't intentional. As for speaking one's mind and being careful about who's listening, TIJ welcomes all points of view - as long as they are presented politely, rationally and without rancor - and Scott's point, that three claims for one inspector in a year is excessive, is a fair one. Legitimate or not, the fact that they are occurring is an indicator that something needs to be tweaked. a lot of claims that I've heard about over the years seem to involve unfounded complaints made about stuff that none of us would have worried about, and the customers complained and initiated claims, because they didn't know any better.

Perhaps the inspector needs to learn to do a better job of managing customer expectations up front, before the inspection, and make certain people understand what to expect in no uncertain terms. I do that before every inspection when I go over the pre-inspection contract with clients before I even allow them to read it. It has worked very well for me.

I've had three complaints in 8 years - only one of which resulted in a claim. Two of them, the clients dropped the whole thing after we went back over the pre-inspection contract and report together and I showed them where I'd done everything that they'd been entitled to, and then some. The third, the client was a gold digger who initially didn't want to even sign a pre-inspection and then complained about earthquake damage that occurred after the inspection - as if I could have controlled it. In the end, I foolishly contacted my insurance company. They came out, looked at the issue, agreed with me - that the the complaint was unfounded - refused to pay the claim and the customer dropped it in return for a refund. The only one who got anything was the insurance company, who made a profit on the deductible and then raised my premiums, teaching me not to turn anything over to my insurance company.

If I had employees, I'd require them to have the customer fill out a satisfaction form and place it in a sealed envelope that must be returned to me after every inspection, so I could see where my employee was or was not meeting customer expectations. Then I'd work on improving those areas where he or she was weak and make sure I sat the employee down every quarter and once yearly for periodic performance reviews to either correct and motivate or extend praise or pass on positive feedback from customers.



One of the reasons we have a problem with people filing claims,is that HouseMaster offers a limited 90 day guarantee on things we rate in a satisfactory condition, people sometimes misunderstand what that guarantee means even when we go over this info with them and ask them to read the guarantee when they get home as well as go over the report, realtors have a bad habit of saying if anything goes wrong HouseMaster will fix it. We do on average of between 60 to 80 inspections a month. I have just hired another inspector so I hope to increase that as well. We also do commercial inspections on top of the home inspections. I bought into this franchise here after it had been established for about 7 years, so it was an investment for me and has worked out well so far, the good things I find about it are that I always have people to contact with problems, marketing tools cheaper than if I were on my own, E & O insurance is cheaper due to bulk, but I can also see being on your on with no hassle of franchise fees and all that. I have been reading all of your post for several days now and have enjoyed them, and have learned somethings as well. Some of your marketing ideas have been good.
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One of the reasons we have a problem with people filing claims,is that HouseMaster offers a limited 90 day guarantee on things we rate in a satisfactory condition, people sometimes misunderstand what that guarantee means even when we go over this info with them and ask them to read the guarantee when they get home as well as go over the report, realtors have a bad habit of saying if anything goes wrong HouseMaster will fix it.

A question Lisa. Don't you think the cost of defending against these claims and/or paying the deductible once your E&O carrier rolls over rather than defend, not to mention the increase in rates because of that, makes this one helluva expensive marketing tool?

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Hi Lisa,

I think I have spoken to you on the phone before. My post was not to belittle HM or the inspector, I happen to like the inspector I was talking about and he has allot of potential. I was conveying a story so that others might learn that claims no matter how small are not a good thing.

As for what is said on this forum, it is wide open. I as others frequently post of experiences that affect them and the profession most deal with local situations that tend to be common across the country.

Most of the posters on this forum are very honest in their opinions and are trying to help other's in the profession, such as yourself and they really don't care who is lurking in the shadows.

Hope to see your post often.

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