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My kids play online shooter games and have been using voice over internet protocol, (voip) for a year or so. They use a free download called Ventrillo. They get their band width from the game servers. Its pretty cool; One of them sits behind me in the office (basement) and has running conversations with those he is blowing up.

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I cannot wait until long distance phone companies are forced to face the truth. About 4 years ago, my best man was deployed to Wake Island, then on to Japan (this was all before 9/11). He called me several times from Wake Island over the internet, and we talked for free. The quality was not good, but hey, it was free.

I'm sure it's much better now.

BTW, He's now out of the combat jets (F-18) and training others in Mississippi, thank heavens. Having him in Kosovo, Afghanistan, AND Iraq has been enough for me. [V] I've been flying that flag in front of the house too damned long for him. [:-indifferent]

Sorry for the thread drift.

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Well I bet I'm not the only HI on this forum who never heard of VOIP and until yesterday, thought POTS were something one cooked in.

In fact, I'm moving in a couple weeks and the house is so far out in the sticks that I will soon have to give up my cable modem and go back to "dial-up hell". The only consolation is that a good friend of mine is a theologian and he assures me that my time spent in "dial-up hell" will be subtracted from my sentence in Purgatory in the next life, -though I have a feeling he was just saying that to make me feel better.

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Originally posted by Jim Morrison

Well I bet I'm not the only HI on this forum who never heard of VOIP and until yesterday, thought POTS were something one cooked in.

In fact, I'm moving in a couple weeks and the house is so far out in the sticks that I will soon have to give up my cable modem and go back to "dial-up hell".

He was. There's always satellite.

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