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Southern weather

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The last few days the weather has really changed. It was up in 70's then then thunder storms.

Flash flooding and tornadoes, Then the cold front came in and it snowed.

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Most of the snow is gone now. It is suppose to be back up in the 70's mid week.

Welcome to the south.

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Coming back from Florida (IW and some golf/fun) on Sat.

First 8 hours in Fl and Ga ...Windy but easy.[8D]

Second 14 hours from Ga. to Md... Heavy rain/monsoon to blowing snow.[:-banghea

Third day 8 hours ... Late start cold clear sailing to Boston.[:-party]

Shovel driveway---just my luck. Bridgton got 44 inches while I was gone?[:-banghea

IW was worth the time and money! Phone still not ringing[:-banghea

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