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Fenix TK11


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The single downside is the lame holster they send with it. I just fabricated my own hardshell "quickdraw" holster out of some really thick leather, boiled it, and formed it to the light.

Yep...just did my first job with the new light, and the holster sucks.

I'm not near as handy with leather as is Kurt (and not sure if I want to be), but I just ordered a Surefire V70 holster. Seems to be *The One* per the flashlight forums. 24 bucks including shipping is best price I could find online...steep, but I gotsta be comfortable with my light.

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Got mine working yesterday - it's bright alright. It's on par, or better than, the Ultra.

How long does a battery last? I've got the 2600 mAh, single cell, battery.

Down at the tail end there is a threaded ring that can be turned. I take it this is a locking ring, to be tightened to the tail battery access/power switch, so that the this part doesn't accidentally loosen up and fall off?

We'll see how it works on the next inspection. I always put the Ultra in the back pocket so that's where this one will go; not sure I'll need a holster.

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Yep, cigar mode.

I've got the same 18650 battery system; been going days/several inspections on a single battery. Left it on solid for several hours just to see how long the battery would last; it never ran down.

It's the longest battery life of any battery powered tool I own, and I own several.

Take the "holding" ring off, and it fits real nice in your back pocket. Although, I made a nice leather holster that works very nicely.

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OK, I'm drifting cuz I'm curious, and folks seem jocular in this thread......

Was the prepositional paradox over in Bonnies conference really that outlandish? I thought it was kind of funny. Richards soliloquy was brilliant, although, it did have a larger audience than himself......

Was it really that insulting?

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OK, I'm drifting cuz I'm curious, and folks seem jocular in this thread......

Was the prepositional paradox over in Bonnies conference really that outlandish? I thought it was kind of funny. Richards soliloquy was brilliant, although, it did have a larger audience than himself......

Was it really that insulting?

No, it absolutely was not. Perhaps we should have an over age 12 acknowledgment button on our terms of use, so that we'll know that when most folks sign on here that they'll have the maturity to recognize and appreciate good-natured banter and won't go off and pout in a corner someplace.

It's too bad though, with that attitude he's probably going to go around on the net trashing Bonnie when she had nothing to do with causing his tantrum.

Anyway, in the end, I took everything out except the question and Bonnie's answer - Because the question is actually a good one - and then locked his profile because he just kept coming back with his snarkiness.



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I can't find it.

Sorry you missed it. It really was kinda funny. The poor guy thought he had reservations at Chez Panisse, then discovered he'd wandered into the neighborhood noodle house (or is that haus?), not understanding he was in an inspectors forum with a cool writing conference, and not a writers conference with inspectors in it............. I made my usual bad jokes, which the gentleman found alarming.

Richard wondered at the quality of the emptiness, disputable in it's timeless conundrum. It was good stuff.

Then, the bouncer cleared us all out and restored order to the classroom. Shoulda made me clean erasers for screwing up class......

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I've got a great idea, I can go to one of the Harvard U. or MIT sites and coax a few high brows over here to debate building science with you guys and we can go at it tooth and nail. [b)]

Like I said in the deleted thread, we're a bunch of 4th graders. [:-dopey]

It's fun though.

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Thank Dave Sorge over @ the ASHI board. He's the guy that turned me on to it. It's the only flashlight that's ever caught my attention.

Yes, the TK-40 beckons...........although, then we're back to the assault baton form factor, which is why I like about the TK11. S'tiny.

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Dang it. I may have to buy another light as well..........

Does not having an adjustable beam cause any problems for any of you?

Does it really put out as much light as an ultra- stinger or re-chargeable mag?

Is there anything about it that is not as good as the other lights out there?

Do I really need one of these????

I don't really need the answer to the last question........

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