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Join Me For a FREE Business Teleseminar

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Dear Home Inspector Friends,

Join me for my next FREE Teleseminar on Tuesday, February 24th, 2008 from 3-4 p.m. central time (That means we start at 1 p.m. pacific, 2 p.m. mountain and 4 p.m. eastern time!)

My friends Kristin and David Morelli are co-founders of the Center for Authentic Attraction. www.AuthenticAttraction.org They will be my guests this month.

We have a FABULOUS topic: Ready to break through the BAGGAGE that's holding you BACK? How to become a MONEY Magnet!

You know you should put a Biz Plan together. You know you should keep track of the money. You know you should charge more than it costs. You know WHAT to do. So...what's holding you back?

Join me as I visit with Kristin and David Morelli. They inspire me! If you are stuck on the "hamster wheel" of too much effort and too little reward, you may need a quantum shift in your thinking.

I'm committed to making money and being mega-successful in business. What's changing for me? I'm committed to taking an easier route. I'm learning we just don't have to work so hard. Let's get our thoughts and beliefs in line...and make life easy!

Join me, Kristin and David as we discuss...

  • Long-standing, success-sucking MYTHS that hold us back. Let's debunk them...and put the baggage DOWN.
  • How to overcome Three Big BLOCKS to financial freedom. Write 'em down...so you can cross them OUT.

    Does it feel like the whole world is shifting? Let's discover how your success - or lack of it - impacts the planet.

  • The "Inner Game" of Magnetizing Wealth. Learn how to play the game...for fun and financial freedom.
  • How are wealthy people different? What do they know (Think? Believe?) that makes them...rich?
Click here to sign up for the FREE Teleseminar:


Once you register, you will be sent the FREE Call in instructions and handout! See you there!

Here's to love, peace, $$...and freedom,

Ellen Rohr

Bare Bones Biz, Inc.


3120 S. Know It All Lane

Rogersville, MO 65742

417.753.1111 phone

417.753.3685 fax


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