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This forum's great........

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I didn't want to join in on a negative posting session, so I might as well start my own thread.

I learn something daily while reading through the posts, so I would like to throw out a big THANK YOU to everyone (well, almost) on here.

I've become a much better inspector thanks to TIJ...........

Keep up the good work.


I was new to forums when I first came here, but what I have learned is that forum sites are only as good as its posters and moderators. Thanks everyone and thanks Mike. This is a great place to learn. And as for Jim teaching America's brightest, I think he is doing it here at TIJ.

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That said, if some of you still want to do something nice for me, I'd appreciate it if you made a commitment to go out of your way to do something nice for someone else each day for the next week. It doesn't matter if it's a friend, a family member or a stranger. Just take some time every day to help someone else. If it becomes a habit that lasts longer than a week, so much the better.

I'd like that even better than a basket of truffles.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

One night while driving from Virginia to Florida about 3am, driving rain on I-95 I got a flat tire. Wife and two kids (2 & 5 at the time). Pulled off to the side of the road and tried changing the tire. Pitch black can't see a thing except when ignorant drivers dang near run me over as they fly by (rear drivers side tire).

I break loose the lugs and consider jacking the car or just waiting for help. I don't really want the wife and the kids inside the car when I jack it, and I don't want them standing in the driving rain. As I'm pondering this, a bright light starts to blind me. It was a 18 wheeler heading my way. At first I started to freak out thinking he was gonna smash into the car until I realized he was stopping. He pulled the cab up and at an angle, like cops do and hopped out. He walked up to me, said he had seen us here and turned around just to help us. My wife and kids hopped in the cab of his truck, we changed my tire I begged him to let me buy him breakfast or to at least take money but he refused.

When I asked, how can I repay you, he said just as Jim has, just remember this because one day someone will need your help. Ever since then I have FIRMLY believed in karma and in just doing the right thing just because it's right.

So Jim no worries here, I'll always follow that advice.

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