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These guys should be.....

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First you strip them and stake them out. Then you shoot them full of adreneline so that they'll stay awake and be able to feel everything. Then you don a set of those noise cancelling headphones, turn on your favorite tunes, take an electric carving knife and very slowly and deliberately.......

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by Jeremy

Originally posted by Brandon Whitmore

I'm pretty sure that in some countries they will cut an appendate off for theft; I'm not against that..........

But, this would be the most logical way to deter injustices.

Uh huh,

Saudi Arabia. Hand for theft plus jail time. Public floggings, stonings and beheadings for certain other crimes. If you kill someone and are tried and found guilty, and your victim didn't have an adult child to carry out sentence, they jail you until one of the kids reaches maturity and then that kid gets to carry out sentence by putting a bullet in the back of your head. While you await sentence, your family must pay for your meals and all of your upkeep in the lockup.

Kewl, huh?



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Originally posted by hausdok

Originally posted by Jeremy

Originally posted by Brandon Whitmore

I'm pretty sure that in some countries they will cut an appendate off for theft; I'm not against that..........

But, this would be the most logical way to deter injustices.

Uh huh,

Saudi Arabia. Hand for theft plus jail time. Public floggings, stonings and beheadings for certain other crimes. If you kill someone and are tried and found guilty, and your victim didn't have an adult child to carry out sentence, they jail you until one of the kids reaches maturity and then that kid gets to carry out sentence by putting a bullet in the back of your head. While you await sentence, your family must pay for your meals and all of your upkeep in the lockup.

Kewl, huh?



I wonder if their prisons are over crowded.

Sounds like after the crime, the burnden on society is over.

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I've never googled anything about it; in 1987 I was involved in teaching interrogation techniques to some Saudi detectives who were doing training exchanges with the MP School at Ft. McClellan. I just asked my students a bunch of questions about how things work over there.

While I was in in and out of S.A. for DesSh and DesSt in 1990-1991, I had an opportunity to see how their street cops operate, which is to say the least......different.

One night some dude driving a big Chevy suburban down pipeline road without headlights (They do that - apparently they think Allah will protect them, and nobody, not even the police, does anything about it.) hit a camel at high speed and overturned first sideways and then end-over-end a number of times before coming to a rest looking like it and the very dead occupant had been blown up. We came on the site, found the guy in the suburban dead, roped off the area, diverted traffic around the scene, and called it in to our higher. They contacted the Saudi Police via radio link with the Saudi National Guard and said that they'd requested a patrol and meat wagon.

The ambulance arrived in about 40 minutes but no ME or cops. At first, we refused to allow the ambulance guys to do anything more than confirm what we already knew, that the guy was dead, 'cuz under our rules the whole thing has to be photographed first, the scene has to be triangulated, and statements taken from witness (us), etc.. After another hour and a half, the ambulance crew threatened to leave without taking the body if we didn't allow them to collect him. We called it in and our HQ called the Saudi N.G. again. The N.G. relayed back to us to release the guy's body to the ambulance crew and then wait for their "investigator" to get there. We waited there for another couple of hours, directing traffic off the highway onto the desert floor around the scene on both sides and back onto the highway. Finally, after another hour, we processed and triangulated the scene and drew a sketch and prepared statements but we were unable to take any photos because we didn't have any cameras as part of our war-fighting TO&E.

After nearly five hours, a Saudi patrol vehicle - another suburban - rolls up and a dude in uniform gets out. I tried to explain to him what we'd done but he didn't speak any English and I didn't speak Arabic. I offered to help him process the scene but he wasn't interested. He just took the statements and reports, folded them twice, stuck them in his pocket, and then, without so much as a glance at the scene, asked us to help him pull the carcass of the camel off the highway.

We helped him drag the mess into the ditch. At that point, he walked over to the wrecked suburban, wrote down the tag number, crawled inside, and then, by kicking and pulling, pried a mobile phone and rack off the dashboard. He crawled back out, his clothes stained with the dead guys blood and brain matter, grinning from ear to ear and then spent another five minutes working at the entenna to get it off the vehicle - at one point going to his suburban to get his tire iron. We just stood there transfixed and couldn't believe what we were seeing. Finally, with his booty in hand and a wave to us, he got into his suburban and roared away leaving that wrecked vehicle half covering the highway and us standing there with our mouths open.

We were in that sector for about another week before moving to another base camp; it was at least 3-4 days before someone, I don't know who, pulled the vehicle about 15 ft. off the highway. By then, it had been stripped of every salvageable and unsalvageable component or piece of metal.

When cops go to other countries, we're always curious about host nation cops and we swap patches, insignia and other B.S. After that incident, none of us wanted anything to do with the Saudi Police.

Oh, and if I can give you one really, really good piece of advice; never, never, under any circumstances, should you go closer than about 100 meters to any camel that's ever struck by a car - those things pop like a balloon and must carry at least 1/3 of their body weight around in the form of what I'd call shite, but what I'm guessing is the stuff they store in their extra stomach or whatever they've got. The smell is simply indescribable.

Oh well, I guess I got off-topic again.



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