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I am a residential builder/remodeler/ carpenter/mason. I have been in this buisness for some 23 years.I have always been interested and studied the science and technologies of building. As I grow older I see a time coming when a slight change in my career direction could be in order. Could some one suggest how I could get involved in the Home inspection Buisness. Possibly courses schooling ect.


Thomas Maynard



To get information that is relevant to your area, I suggest visiting the web sites of national HI orgs like ASHI, NAHI, NACHI, AII and the others and sitting in on some local meetings (which in your state could mean a 2 hour drive one way). Sitting at a table-ful of local HI's discussing their business' and telling war stories at a few meetings is the most cost effective way of learning about our business in my opinion. Home Inspectors are opinionated blowhards, it's true. But it's also true that there is not a more generous group of people out there when it comes to sharing experiences, business practices, and knowledge.

Ours is a relatively new discipline with many regional peculiarities. I could tell you all about what a typical inspection would include and cost in the Boston area, but that probably wouldn't resemble the way it's done in your neighborhood.

That said, you have stumbled upon an unbelievably helpful web site peopled with very knowledgeable and friendly folks. If you have a more specific question, post it, sit back, and watch the replies roll in.



I teach home inspection at PITI (Professional Inspection Training Institute) in Kansas City. We've had several guys from Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and Nebraska come through over the past 5 years.

Get on-line at www.homeinspectiontraining.net and look at their schedule and course content. We were named "Educator of the Year for 2003" by NAHI. We're approved by NAHI, ASHI, NACHI, etc. We've got some of the best instructors in the Midwest at PITI.

Originally posted by jhagarty

Number 1 Non-Technical skill essential to Home Inspection is TYPING and Computer Literacy.

I won't disagree with Brother Joe, but I would lump those in with English / writing / reporting skills under the "Communications" banner as the most essential non-inspect-tech catagory. You could also include "connecting with the client while selling yourself over the phone in a few minutes or less" under communication, another vital skill (without which the others mean very little).

Brian G.

Not That It's a Complex or Competative Business or Anything... [:-fight]

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