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Forensic Investigations

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Kurt had indicated he was doing some forensic investigations in a post a few weeks back. I feel this area will continue to grow given the quality of the construction out there today.

1.Is anyone else doing kind of work and what are some of the issues or concerns?

2.What kind of a pre-inspection contract are you using?

3.Do you set limits on how far you will go/demo before you start?

Thank You Bryan

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My response is in blue

Originally posted by Bryan

Kurt had indicated he was doing some forensic investigations in a post a few weeks back. I feel this area will continue to grow given the quality of the construction out there today.

1.Is anyone else doing kind of work and what are some of the issues or concerns?

1. You need to know your own limitations and when to refer to another person. 2. You need to get paid via a retainer before the work starts, unless you have a very good relationship with the person or firm.

2.What kind of a pre-inspection contract are you using?

I make one up for each job. I use my basic litigation consultant agreement and just modify for the job.

3.Do you set limits on how far you will go/demo before you start?

Whatever the client is willing to do. I will not tear out anything, the client must have a contractor remove walls, etc.The client must provide the contractor to do this.

Thank You Bryan

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