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.com vs .net

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Originally posted by dcmeagle

Oh, and get the .com if they are both available.

Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I haven't found a way to get auto notifications of board posts on here (am I missing it?).

Thanks for responding and no need to apologize on the lag time. After all, I'm not paying very much for the useful info you provide.[^]

I havn't figured out the notification method on this forum yet either. Even so, this is a great forum.[:-graduat

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Keyboard-shortcut users (like me) go to a website by pressing ALT+D, followed by, say, "Ford," followed by CTRL+ENTER. That would automatically enter "www." and ".com" and take the user to the Ford website.

Best I know, there's no substitute that'll take a user to a ".net" website. In short, if you go with ".net" you lose all the keyboard "power users" who don't bother to mouse up to the address bar and start typing, "www."

I say come up with a good ".com" name. Com stands for commerce (or commercial). Either way, ".com" is the way to go for a business site.

Here's an opinion piece on this question: http://www.discountdomainsuk.com/articles/5/835/0


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Originally posted by dcmeagle

Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I haven't found a way to get auto notifications of board posts on here (am I missing it?).

That's because not all of our forums allow you to subscribe to them. Go to the menu bar above, pass your cursor over "forums" and then click "all forums" and look at the far right of the icons on the various topic lines. Those topics with an @ symbol can be subscribed to.

We made a conscious decision early on when we began TIJ that, for speed's sake, so we wouldn't bog down the server, we'd limit the number of topics that one could subscribe to.

We've changed our provide once or twice since then and transmission speeds and capacity have increased so maybe, maybe, we can revisit that policy. I'll have to talk to MIke and Rose about it.



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The main difference between .com and .net is getting people to remember it. Like the example above, the first thing people also do is type www.ford.com. If they see your truck and remember "Studly Inspections" and saw a website listed, most won't remember the .net or .com. Most will just assume it is .com. So it is in the recognition that .com would be better.

As for search engines, I doubt there is any ranking difference. And when people search for something, they read the top of the description and rarely even look at the actual link below, so .com or .net wouldn't make a difference.

The only thing I would do if I was you, if you go .net, is make sure the .com version (assuming you didn't buy that too as it's already in use) isn't being used by a fellow inspector half way across the country or some porn site. Both those examples could cause the potential customer to just drop your company name all together and find someone else.

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Originally posted by kurt

All true, but I think the future will level it out.

Heck, SBCglobal uses .net. So does Comcast.

The future "power users" are kids. What do kids think? Figure that out, and you'll own the future.

Good point. Pretty soon, I think, there will be a lot of touch screen users. That'll change a lot about how people interact with computers. I hate touch screens. They get nasty with fingerprints.

I think kids will be using handhelds. Something like the iPhone. I think that because I haven't noticed many kids -- or adults -- who type fast. I suspect there'll be a lot of voice-command gear. Better than texting LOLs and BRBs -- if it works.

In the meantime, it'll be the usual. I rarely see links on folks' toolbars. I think most people peck in a whole web address.


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