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I have had a bulb last two years and then I have had one last one month. I also have had a cell phone last three years and the one I just replaced lasted about four months. Life is relative to the use and conditions of the device. My cell phone that lasted only four months fell out of my coat pocket and dropped only about 2 feet to the floor and killed the display.

I have found that with my Ultra Stinger if I use the butt of the flashlight to knock things or the more I drop it that the bulbs do not last very long.


I got a couple of years out of a mag bulb. Used the flashlight to coax a panel cover-end of bulb. Cop supply store replaced the bulb and sold me an additional. They got nice stuff--reasonable! If I need a flood light for a dark,murky basement/attic,I go out to my inspectormobile and lug one in. 1 in 50 not bad. I carry a couple of "battery " Mags for backup. This game is not as hard as some people make it look. Half the toys in the inspectormobile do not get used?? See some youse guys in Orlando! [:-party] Go Pats in 09 [:-banghea

Originally posted by caryseidner

Originally posted by inspecthistoric

but I still think Ultra Stingers are useless for building inspections.


Why, and which light do you prefer?

I tried one and couldn't get through 1/3 of a basement , crawl or attic. Most buildings I inspect have one or more basements, multiple crawlspaces and attics. I try to view almost every square inch of underfloor spaces and attics. I'd probably need 6-10 Ultra Stingers per building. I know they're very bright, but I don't need that bright. I really don't have to determine if a powder post beetle has been circumcised.

I use the Streamlight Lite-Box for unlit basements, most crawls and barns. For everything else, I use two SL-20XP-LEDs. I can inspect any size and condition property with this combination. I beat the crap outa them. Bulbs and batteries probably last me 4-5 years. Switches and lenses only last about 2, but replacement of those is free.

Originally posted by inspecthistoric

For everything else, I use two SL-20XP-LEDs. I can inspect any size and condition property with this combination. I beat the crap outa them. Bulbs and batteries probably last me 4-5 years. Switches and lenses only last about 2, but replacement of those is free.

Interesting flashlight Bill. How often do you use the halogen part of it?

Originally posted by Terence McCann

Interesting flashlight Bill. How often do you use the halogen part of it?

I leave the halogens on for making my way around dark areas, not for looking. It works well lighting my way even from the holster. For example, I inspected a very large historic theatre where there was no electric to the building and no windows except in a couple small rooms. It was probably the longest I've ever gone without seeing daylight. I kept the halogens on in the flashlight on my belt.

By the way, I now get them from Tony at HI-Essentials (site sponsor on the front page). The best price out there.


Another option you may consider is the rechargeable Maglite. Not the cheapo Maglite, these cost approximately $125. They have 218 lumens, slightly less than the Ultra Stinger. The battery lasts about 1.5 - 2 hours per charge. The bulbs last quite awhile, unless I bang the light, which I am prone to doing. I often miss the darn belt ring and the light lands on the floor. Next time I turn it on poof!

I’ve also noticed on real cold days, if I don’t warm up the light, the bulb blows when I first turn it on. So now, on cold days, I stick the light under the truck heater on the way to the job.

I rotate through two lights, usually exchanging lights before the crawl space. 80% of my inspections have crawl spaces, I do them last. There is more than ample light to see what I need to with the Maglight. Sometimes, I can see the Termites giving me the one finger wave.

I also carry a Strion from Streamlight on my belt for those times when the Mag is too much light. I also carry the Strion into crawl spaces as a spare, cause I'm afraid of the dark. Knock wood, I've only had my Maglite die in 2-3 times in a crawl space, usually right after I whack it on a post or rat. Then I have had to use my backup to either get out or re-lamp my Maglight.

For me I think the Mag is a better option.


Here's one that has more lumens than a mag, and has a run time of over 6 hours (11 with C cell batteries)

http://www.flashlightz.com/product.php? ... uct=172757

The only downside I see is that the beam is non- adjustable.

Here's a review: http://www.policeone.com/police-product ... -8060-LED/

I'm tempted to buy one just to test it out. I like the option of using replaceable batteries just in case.

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