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How bad can it be?

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Had one here yesterday, but he wasn't wealthy. He drove to a neighborhood of $1M homes and shot himself.

The poor guy's father said his was "concerned about the economy and trying to make a living".

During the great depression, the suicide rate rose over 20%. If one of you stops posting for a few days, don't be surprised if someone here gives a call.

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Originally posted by inspecthistoric

During the great depression, the suicide rate rose over 20%. If one of you stops posting for a few days, don't be surprised if someone here gives a call.

That is so true. As far as many of us are from each other and regardless of the many heated debates we might have, we all have a special relationship with each other. I know that I could call just about anyone on TIJ if I ever needed to talk. Anyone on TIJ that needs to talk should know that my phone is on 24/7.

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I have known Scott far too long.

I would not hesitate to call him - he is alot more polite than me and sometimes has a calming effect.

I will also say that many of the TIJ folks have my great respect. We are unique.

Kurt M is another issue - he will likely tell you to "get your head out of your ass and get on with it!"

In my life it is all about getting and giving those things you can't buy.

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Most the TIJ family I know only through board postings and the odd email exchange. To say I know them is probably a bit of a stretch.

About a year ago I was lucky enough to be hospitalized for a couple months (real medical hospital, not mental institution), while there I received many emails from TIJers checking in on me, sharing jokes etc to keep my spirits up (it worked more than you guys can know, thanks). One morning I had a call on my cellphone from Chad Fabry. My fondest moment of my hospital stay was walking up and down the halls of the surgical ward in my hospital gown, dragging my I.V. pole in one hand and talking on my blackberry with the other while the nurses were trying to pin me down to stick needles in me and run a battery of tests. Chad and I spoke for the better part of an hour. Although we've never met, I consider Chad my friend.

TIJ is an incredibly dynamic entity, full of some pretty cool individuals.


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Originally posted by Brad Manor

Most the TIJ family I know only through board postings and the odd email exchange. To say I know them is probably a bit of a stretch.

About a year ago I was lucky enough to be hospitalized for a couple months (real medical hospital, not mental institution), while there I received many emails from TIJers checking in on me, sharing jokes etc to keep my spirits up (it worked more than you guys can know, thanks). One morning I had a call on my cellphone from Chad Fabry. My fondest moment of my hospital stay was walking up and down the halls of the surgical ward in my hospital gown, dragging my I.V. pole in one hand and talking on my blackberry with the other while the nurses were trying to pin me down to stick needles in me and run a battery of tests. Chad and I spoke for the better part of an hour. Although we've never met, I consider Chad my friend.

TIJ is an incredibly dynamic entity, full of some pretty cool individuals.


What you said about Chad doesn't surprise me a bit. Me thinks he's okay.

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Based on what I know of Chad, I'd guess that if he isn't inspecting houses or teaching he's probably out plowing driveways or fixing cars or doing half a dozen other projects to keep him busy.

I'm in the process of confirming some of the ITA rumors. What we've heard so far isn't entirely true, although they have laid off roughly 250 people nationwide. I don't want to say more until I've talked to every one of my sources. I'll be writing a short article about it in the next day or two.



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I've had a few calls today; a couple houses, a commercial project. Still pretty much on ice, though.

If you lose your money, don't lose your mind.

Ol' Les doesn't know me very well..........[:-angel]

One doesn't get into HI work because they're trying to get rich and famous. I got into it because it's a way for me to earn a living where I'm working with folks on something that transcends, i.e., their house, by helping them figure out how to turn it into a home.

I'm real persnickety and religious about that. Downright ornery sometimes.

Home ownership really is the basis for most folks happiness and success in life. It isn't just a house; it's their home. That's why I take it personal when other folks (unscrupulous realtors and builders) take advantage of folks that just don't know about housey stuff. It's serious, no joke.

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Thanks for the nice words guys.

I've accepted a ton of help from the folks here and any time I'm able, I'm more than happy to reciprocate by helping others.

I haven't posted in a few days because, well, I got a job. It's just a part time gig as a building inspector for a small town near me. It's going to be a learning experience because I've literally never worked as an employee in my life. I'm pretty sure I'll need to brush up my diplomacy skills and take the capital "A" out of my personality type.

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Originally posted by kurt

I've done the small town home inspector gig.

As long as you can stay clear of planning and zoning stuff, doing straight construction inspections isn't a bad gig.

Yeah, but think about the poor builders and tradespeople. "But Mr. Fabry, NObody's ever called us out on that before . . . "

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Originally posted by Chad Fabry

Thanks for the nice words guys.

I've accepted a ton of help from the folks here and any time I'm able, I'm more than happy to reciprocate by helping others.

I haven't posted in a few days because, well, I got a job. It's just a part time gig as a building inspector for a small town near me. It's going to be a learning experience because I've literally never worked as an employee in my life. I'm pretty sure I'll need to brush up my diplomacy skills and take the capital "A" out of my personality type.


Does your inspector job allow you to get into the government pension and insurance plans? That type of stuff is sometimes worth more than the paycheck!

A few of my friends have worked part-time for the town and they are going to get pensions when they retire. Not a bad gig if you can get it.

Glad to see you are still rattling around this site.



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Does your inspector job allow you to get into the government pension and insurance plans? That type of stuff is sometimes worth more than the paycheck!

A few of my friends have worked part-time for the town and they are going to get pensions when they retire. Not a bad gig if you can get it.

Glad to see you are still rattling around this site.



I have no plans to leave home inspection. The town position affords me no cost learning and also provides access to the pension plans and the medical insurance. Honestly though, since it's a part time thing I'd have to pay for the health insurance and I'm doing better as an independent business buying a plan directly from Excellus.

One of the main things that made me want a job is I miss being a part of a whole as opposed to being the whole (hole).

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Originally posted by Chad Fabry

One of the main things that made me want a job is I miss being a part of a whole as opposed to being the whole (hole).

I think I know what you mean Chad. As much as I value the benefits of self employment, I do miss the camaraderie of fellow workers. This job is a little better than my previous existence as a solitary woodworker, but it still doesn't lead to any lasting friendships. I'm basically down to the wife and dog for regular conversations.

Talking about the economy, I finally found one small bright spot for 2008. I just filed my city tax return. I didn't gross the minimum needed to pay any B&O tax for last year. Yay!???

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I think I know what you mean but there's a cure for that. Why don't you and me and Randy and a few other Seattle area inspectors that hang out here meet for breakfast once or twice a month and jaw a little bit? Hell, you'd be amazed how many people do just that. My sub-committee has been having informal meetings at 3rd Place Books in Lake Forest Park several times a month and there are groups of friends who meet there all the time. Hell, some of them even wear group uniforms!



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