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Mike Lamb

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I aplogize if this has been posted previously but it has been difficult for me to find a practicle explanation for unilateral phase detractors and its relevant applications.


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">

http://www.rfcafe.com/miscellany/humor/ ... ulator.pdf

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FYI. The original GE turbo-encabulator was later modified by Rockwell. You can find further info on the new Digital-Retro-Turbo-Encabulator here...


Mike(s), I believe you can find one practical application described here...

[utube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kezBpcjqZ5s" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">

...although being a British device, the right-angled node-phased current from the turboencabulateur would have to first flow through a lithium feathered floppy dork-nozzle. But, you knew that!

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I want one for my house! I think this would be a good selling feature should I ever sell my home.

Of course prior to selling, I would want a home inspector to inspect the installation of my Turboencabulator to be sure everything was in proper working order.

So might want to start work right away on the wording for your report on my house, should you be the inspector I call.

Here are some facts/uses on the Turboencabulator which might help with the wording of your report...

http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~ids/dotdot/mis ... ulator.txt



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I'm envisioning all of the whatever engineers overseas who might not necessarily have a good understanding of English stumbling onto this thread and then diving in here with endless egghead theories and debates that have absolutely nothing even remotely to do with home inspections.

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by Richard Moore

FYI. The original GE turbo-encabulator was later modified by Rockwell.

...although being a British device, the right-angled node-phased current from the turboencabulateur would have to first flow through a lithium feathered floppy dork-nozzle. But, you knew that!


The depth of your knowledge indicates a degree of personal involvement not shared by most of us. You obviously have the benefit of deep personal experience. Please expound upon the floppy dork-nozzle issue that you refer to. Current evidence suggests that lithium is only marginally effective. Straight Vodka works better.

Please explain your comments since inquiring minds want to know.

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