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2009 Inspection World - Orlando

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Any of you regular TIJ gang going to attend Inspection World 2009 in Orlando? If so drop me a note, so I can avoid you. Just kidding, I’d enjoy meeting you in person – maybe even buy you a favorite beverage.

I grew up in the Orlando area, so I have family to stay with and a truck to borrow. I get off pretty cheap

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It had been such a busy, spring, summer and early fall that I'd thought I was going to make it this year; then the election was over and it was like the inspection god threw a switch to shut down sales on Puget Sound. Not going now. One of these days, though.



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Originally posted by MTL_Inspet_Man

I will be there ALONE :( looking fwd to meeting fellow inspectors as well as ASHI brothers


I'll be there. I'll even give ya'll a peek at some of the off site entertainment. If it's your cup of tea, Dennis Anderson will be in town with the Grave Digger Sat PM. Glad the GALA is on Friday night this year.

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I'm going to be in Orlando attending IRINFO 2009 from the 18th to the 21st. How much is the registration for Inspection World?

I might just stay a few extra days. I would really like to attend the new RESNET Energy Auditor Certification Training sessions held on Thursday.

Anyone know if it's possible just to attend those two sessions?



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