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Figure it out?

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It is an old Jedi mind trick.

To figue it out you need to do a little math (yes you should have paid attention in school). The trick is that each set of ten numbers map onto the same number after you take the two digit number subtract the first digit then subtract the second digit.


11 - 1 -1 = 9

13 - 1 -3 = 9

22 - 2 -2 = 18

27 - 2 - 7 = 18

34 -3 -4 = 27

39 - 3 - 9 = 27

....(and so on)

94 - 4- 9 = 81

99 - 9 -9 = 81

so no matter what 2 digit number you choose it will map onto 9 unique numbers always!!

In the re-gift table numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63 ... 81 all have the same gift listed in them.

Also each time you enter the gift table the gifts are changed so you get a new answer each time.

Hope that splains it...

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