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Holy Crap, it's Christmas Already.

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I admit, I've had my head up my butt for the past month and a half or so. It started when I decided to paint the baby's room. Then I decided to knock some plaster down to insulate the exterior wall. Of course, if one is going to take one wall down, might as well take all four down; and if you have the walls down, might as well do the ceiling. Naturally, if you are going to have four new walls and a new ceiling you should go ahead and re-do the floor. If your redoing a bedroom floor, ya might just as well do the hallway and other bedroom...... All a couple weeks before the baby comes.

On top of my repaint (big ass renovation), business has been going well AND I am taking some college courses. Being the end of the semester, I have a number of assignments due, and finals to think about.

Just to be sure I am completely without any free time or sanity, my former employer called me the other day (I used to be head foreman at a shipping terminal) and asked if I would come help out as a rigging foreman in order to get a ship unloaded and back out to sea before the waterway freezes up. I've spent the last few days in -20C weather in the belly of a ship unloading steel plates and slabs from China.

Well, today I realized that it is only a couple days until Christmas. I have yet to put up any lights, buy a tree or anything of the sort. Also absent from my usual holiday routine is sending out Christmas cards to clients/friends/family.

Since there isn't much chance of me getting cards off anytime soon, I'll use this forum to wish you all a very happy holiday and terrific new year. Thanks for being TIJ and making me a better inspector.

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That's me and my brand new daughter "sleeping in heavenly peace" this afternoon after I got home from unloading the ship.


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  • 15 years later...

Yep, Merry Christmas to everyone and their families, and especially to all the other owners and moderators who've stayed loyal all these years. If any of you go to any Christmas parties or New Years parties, make sure you have a designated driver who won't be drinking or call a cab, Uber, or Lyft to get home.

Who'd a thunk it? In another month or so this site will be 22 years old. I'm surprised it's lasted this long given the explosion in so many other more popular types of social media.



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