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The residential streets around me have a nice base of ice, 6" of snow on top with a crust, and then another 2" on that...so far.

Living on the side of a hill makes for nice views, but every way off this hill currently looks like this...

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The melt, refreeze cycle over the next few days is not going to help.

Can't complain though. Got a freezer full of food, lots of booze, and power.

Happy Holidays All!

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Pish posh. We've had a couple of those in a week. You Seattle folks have been drinking too much latte to think that's a snow fall.

Value's the same though; excellent excuse for staying at home, drinking tea, and reading. Every kid should get snow days where cars are prohibited from being on the street.

I made one of the final transitions to officially an old man. I finally bought a snow blower.

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Originally posted by kurt

Pish posh. We've had a couple of those in a week. You Seattle folks have been drinking too much latte to think that's a snow fall.

Ain't that the truth. Folks here are weather wimps. Where I come from in New York, we might get 8 or 9 snows like this a season and 3 or 4 really big ones that dump between 3-4 feet of snow on the ground. We'd still have to go to school and everyone still got out and drove to wherever thay had to do though. Here, as soon as it starts dusting the news starts yammering about the horrific storm and how the roads are nearly unpassable, blah, blah, blah. They've closed sections of I-5 where the snows not half as bad as it used to get on the northway going up to Buffalo and traffic would still have been rolling.

My wife refused to drive in it so I had to bring her over to her church yesterday and all the way there I kept passing folks standing in one spot hammering the gas and not able to figure out why their cars weren't moving. Same thing at the church parking lot where there were gangs of men trying to unstick cars. I just drove in and through all of that snow, dropped her off and drove out without spinning a tire.

I have to go out soon; bet I find more of the same.

Bah, humbug!



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Originally posted by hausdok

[My wife refused to drive in it so I had to bring her over to her church yesterday and all the way there I kept passing folks standing in one spot hammering the gas and not able to figure out why their cars weren't moving. Same thing at the church parking lot where there were gangs of men trying to unstick cars. I just drove in and through all of that snow, dropped her off and drove out without spinning a tire.

I have to go out soon; bet I find more of the same.

Bah, humbug!



That is so true.... A couple of weeks ago we had 5" of snow in a few hours and before my wife could get home we had about 3" on our driveway, which goes uphill. She could not get up the drive off the street. She kept punching the gas and spinning the tires. All I did was to back-up, put it in low and right up the drive I went and into the garage. Boy, was she pissed when I did not have a problem.

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Originally posted by gtblum

I love it when mr.or mrs. I've got four wheel drive on MY suv flys by my slow driving ass. Usually I see them again down the road in a wadd and on the phone with a tow company.

Ain't that the truth. We don't get a lot of snow here, but when it happens we have our share of idiots who figure out that the all wheel drive function lets them accelerate better. Unfortunately, they don't figure out until later that the improved ability to go in a straight line doesn't equate to the ability to stop or quickly change direction.
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