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What's a VA approved inspector?

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Depends what region you are in. In the mid-west there is no such thing. Used to be, but not now.

203K inspectors receive training as well as some FHA HUD RECD MISDA etc folks.

Best thing is to talk to local mega lenders, because they are actually the final authority.

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Originally posted by Chris Bernhardt

I've heard of FHA fee inspectors. Is that the same as the 203K consultant?


Is there such a thing as a VA approved inspector?

Not sure on that one.

Lenders aren't the best resource either. I'm amazed how many lenders don't understand the programs. Just yesterday, I had a branch manager call me saying that "anyone can do the consultant work on a 203k loan. You don't have to be 'approved'".

Call George Mishreki at the HUD Santa Ana Homeownership center. 1.714.796.1200. He's the man that usually gives the best answers.

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I've talked to the VA twice to confirm this. The VA does not maintain a list of inspectors and there is nothing special about a HI for a VA loan. There is for appraisers but not inspectors. Around here some HI advertise “Certified VA Inspector" or some such thing. It is a gimmick and slick advertising. A few times a year I'll get a call asking if I'm certified to inspect a home with a VA loan. I use to try and educate the caller and explain there is no such thing, but I don't think they believed me, and I never got the job. So one day I decided I have the same VA certification all the other home inspectors, which is nothing, so now when I'm asked if I'm citified to inspect VA, I simply answer yes.

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