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I wish I could have recorded this!

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I got a call for an inspection the other day that I have to share.

I answered my phone and the woman on the other end imediately spewed out her name and address,including apartment number, then asked what kind of inspections I did. I told her there wasn't much I could do in an apartment, but that if she described what her specific problems were I would try to help. She went on to explain that she hears voices in her apartment all the time, that she thinks the place is bugged, and the best part; her rental agreement states the door to the roof is for emergency use only, but she can't find the door! Then she said that when she hears voices on the roof above her apartment she bangs the door (the one she can't find) with her broom until they stop. I told her there wasn't anything I could do to help her, then she asked if I knew anyone who could. I told her I couldn't recommend anyone and she mercifully hung up.

The entire conversation was so loud that my wife, sitting next to me in the car, heard nearly every word. We both got a really good laugh out of it. I guess there's good news, at least my marketing is working. The bad news is that this is the caliber of people I'd rather avoid!


Anybody got the number for TAPS? She's a good candidate for the Ghost Hunters!

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Originally posted by Tom Raymond

I got a call for an inspection the other day that I have to share.

I answered my phone and the woman on the other end imediately spewed out her name and address,including apartment number, then asked what kind of inspections I did. I told her there wasn't much I could do in an apartment, but that if she described what her specific problems were I would try to help. She went on to explain that she hears voices in her apartment all the time, that she thinks the place is bugged, and the best part; her rental agreement states the door to the roof is for emergency use only, but she can't find the door! Then she said that when she hears voices on the roof above her apartment she bangs the door (the one she can't find) with her broom until they stop. I told her there wasn't anything I could do to help her, then she asked if I knew anyone who could. I told her I couldn't recommend anyone and she mercifully hung up.

The entire conversation was so loud that my wife, sitting next to me in the car, heard nearly every word. We both got a really good laugh out of it. I guess there's good news, at least my marketing is working. The bad news is that this is the caliber of people I'd rather avoid!


Anybody got the number for TAPS? She's a good candidate for the Ghost Hunters!

There is a fifth dimension beyond those known to man. It is a dimension vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between the pit of his fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. Mr Raymond has just checked into the Twilight Zone.


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Not that there's much you can do about it, but she sounds mentally ill. My family has rental property, and about 30 years ago we had a single, elderly female tenant who called often to complain. First it was the neighbors who were "spying" on her through the ducts in her bath. Never mind that each unit has individual HVAC systems and, of course, completely separate ductwork. Then the problem was the appliance repairman who was raping her "repeatedly" even as she spoke to us on the phone! She wanted to know what we were going to do about it.

I can't remember all the odd stories, but as bad as it sounds we were a bit relieved when she passed away a couple years later and the calls stopped.

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Originally posted by Erby

Geeze, Tom. You just gotta do better at staying on top of things.

You should "at least" have a refebrral source for the poor lady.

Call her back and give her this Home Inspector's name and number.

http://www.faithranoli.com/products/The ... ection.htm

The author says to "Just ask Einstein", re: quantum mechanics and "it's all physics". Einstein was not a proponent of quantum physics, especially the entanglement theory part.


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