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Happy Thanksgiving

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Even with a lousy 1st year inspecting I have way too many things to give thanks for to list. I want however to thank all those that contribute to TIJ for sharing their knowledge humor, knowledge, and even their critiques of my posts. These have been very helpful to me. I hope I have contributed to some too.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


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I attended a function this morning at which former president Clinton was the keynote speaker. The discussion turned to Thanksgiving. Apparently it originally became recognized as a holiday during Abraham Lincoln's tenure as president - at time when the economy was at least as sour as it is today. The intent was not to be thankful in the fat times but to appreciate what you have in the lean times. Sure things could be better, but I still consider myself fortunate.

Happy "American" Thanksgiving from your Canadian friend.


.... we celebrated ours last month

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