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Ritual sacrifice

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How strange. Were there any other parts or signs or was this all there was? Do you think it was really a cult or pagan ritual ceremony or something or was this just a joke of some sort?

Either way...that would give me the heeby jeebies. [:-skull][:-shake]

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WAG Warning (Wild-Assed Guess)

My guess would be that someone wanted the hooves to make something, like a gun rack, but he didn't take them home because they still smelled bad (?). I used to see those racks as a kid, made with a pair of bent hoooves to hold one gun.

Brian G.

Certified WAG Master [:-dopey]

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Originally posted by Brian G.

WAG Warning (Wild-Assed Guess)

My guess would be that someone wanted the hooves to make something, like a gun rack, but he didn't take them home because they still smelled bad (?). I used to see those racks as a kid, made with a pair of bent hoooves to hold one gun.

Brian G.

Certified WAG Master [:-dopey]

Highly feasible and very likely! Hadn't thought of that before, but I have seen those gun racks made of deer hooves. A little eccentric but to each their own I suppose.

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Integrity1st wrote "How strange. Were there any other parts or signs or was this all there was? Do you think it was really a cult or pagan ritual ceremony or something or was this just a joke of some sort?"

This was all there was.My first thought was some kind of weird ceremony (I must have watched too many of the sci-fi horror movies).But then again this is in one of those parts of town where a lot of strange people live.

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Originally posted by Danny Pritchard

Integrity1st wrote "How strange. Were there any other parts or signs or was this all there was? Do you think it was really a cult or pagan ritual ceremony or something or was this just a joke of some sort?"

This was all there was.My first thought was some kind of weird ceremony (I must have watched too many of the sci-fi horror movies).But then again this is in one of those parts of town where a lot of strange people live.

Which part of town exactly is it where the strange ones don't live. I'm looking for a town that has an area like that [:D]

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Originally posted by chrisprickett

Originally posted by crusty

Which part of town exactly is it where the strange ones don't live. I'm looking for a town that has an area like that [:D]

Little town in Southern Connecticut. Men are men, women are obedient. There's a movie, in theatres now, that tells all about it.

You will have to fill me in on what you are referring to. I am a little slow on some trivia stuff these days...

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Originally posted by Brian G.

Originally posted by Integrity1st

You will have to fill me in on what you are referring to. I am a little slow on some trivia stuff these days...

The Stepford Wives, just released.

Brian G.

Ok. Now I get it. Sorry. I havn't watched much tv or seen a movie in quite a while.

Some day maybe... [:(]

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