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Inspector Uses "Rain Simulator"

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I seem to recall that someone in the business - I think it was Mike Casey - had a business on the side doing building diagnostics and had built a rain simulator to test windows for leaks. It was basically a rectangular PVC frame that had a bunch of holes drilled in it and a hose attachment; one assembled it and then stood it in front of a window, hooked up the hose and turned it on. It sprayed water directly onto the house around the windows. Does anyone else besides me remember reading that or are my meds contaminated again?



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It’s a marketing gimmick that probably makes him money. Like the pest control company in FL that has a giant termite or ant on top of all it vans. Or the KISS drum set that looked like a tank and shot flames out over the audience. Don’t get me wrong I think it is silly and would never do it, but you’ve got to give the guy credit for clever marketing.

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Originally posted by AHIS

It’s a marketing gimmick that probably makes him money. Like the pest control company in FL that has a giant termite or ant on top of all it vans. Or the KISS drum set that looked like a tank and shot flames out over the audience. Don’t get me wrong I think it is silly and would never do it, but you’ve got to give the guy credit for clever marketing.

Good point Mark. None of us knew who he was before this.

That settles it. I'm buying a new snowblower today. Brilliant idea Jeremy.

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Originally posted by gtblum

Originally posted by AHIS

It’s a marketing gimmick that probably makes him money. Like the pest control company in FL that has a giant termite or ant on top of all it vans. Or the KISS drum set that looked like a tank and shot flames out over the audience. Don’t get me wrong I think it is silly and would never do it, but you’ve got to give the guy credit for clever marketing.

Good point Mark. None of us knew who he was before this.

That settles it. I'm buying a new snowblower today. Brilliant idea Jeremy.

To enhance the effects of this marketing method, be sure to remove your shirt before use of snow maker. You should surely be know for something after that! Especially during the coming winter months. Get your snow maker now! Limited quantities in stock.

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