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Residential Contractors Get Eyeballed By The State

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The Washington State Department of Licensing has just published an extensive sunrise review of the residential contracting industry in the state and it looks like residential contractors in Washington State may soon get their bottoms paddled.

A sunrise review is a formal investigation of a trade or industry that's ordered by the state legislature. When a bill to regulate a trade or industry is introduced, the committee that has responsibility for reviewing a proposed law can kill it or send it for a sunrise review.

The sunrise reviews are typically published around October; and, if the sunrise review finds that there is good cause to regulate the trade or industry, the bill sponsor will typically reintroduce the bill in the next session the following January. There, depending on circumstances, the bill may pass and eventually become law.

Many of the findings of this sunrise review will not come as a surprise to home inspectors; in fact, many will say that the time is long past due for something to be done about the dismal performance of many residential contractors.

To see the entire sunrise review report click here.

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