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Better than Worrying About the Economy

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So this morning I was sitting and thinking how the phone just doesn't ring as often as I would like. Then, while in a bit of a funk my wife and I went to our appointment at the ultrasound spa.

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After seeing my new (soon to be) daughter making goofy faces and sticking her tongue out during the 3D ultrasound, I completely stopped bumming out over the slow times. I started thinking how lucky I am to make a good living doing something I enjoy. Five years from now I won't remember that the market was a bit wishy washy, but I'll certainly remember how positive I feel today.

OK - back to home inspection relevant discussions.


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Brad, start working on your boy-withering scowl now....it's never too soon.

I once saw a letter to an old hand at a psychology magazine about the impending birth of a daughter. The guy had little life experience with girls (his words), and was concerned that he wouldn't know how deal with a daughter. He ended with the usual "What will I do?". The old hand wrote back, "Congratulations, you're going to become a complete human being over the next 20 years or so. You'll be getting a free Master's course in the half you don't know about now." [-crzwom]

Brian G.

So True...... [:-wiltel]

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Thanks for the kind words guys. The 3D ultrasound is a very interesting experience. With the package we chose (it is done at a spa, not a diagnostic centre) we got a half hour video of the baby set to music, an disc full of still images, some prints and the whole thing was broadcast live to friends and family via the internet. It's mind boggling how clear of an image you can get. Seeing the baby move and smile (she even waved at one point) is a heck of an experience. It also lit a fire under my a$$ to hurry up and finish the nursery.


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Good stuff. I'm assuming this is your first child. Take the time to enjoy the moments.

I was a classic "never going to get tied down with kids" guy. My wife and I were married 13 years before we decided to have children. You just don't get it until you witness the miracle of birth and hold that precious bundle for the first time.

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