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Inspector in training

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Well, I figure that it is about time I come out of the TIJ shadows and introduce myself. I am Troy Pappas from Virginia Beach. I have been devouring this board for the last five months in preparation of starting my own home inspection business. I know I have found a career that will continue to intrigue me, and keep me in a constant state of learning. I took the AHIT course in March (please do not attack me for that), which basically showed me how much I needed to learn.

Besides reading over as many posts as I can, I have spent the last few months reading and rereading the JLC Field Guides and every book pertaining to home construction the local library has to offer. I am now putting some time each day into reading the IRC and NEC books.

I have a basic background in construction, but have a fascination with home building. Unfortunately I thought a degree in finance would be more intriguing. Yes, it is very humiliating to spend four years in school studying something that bores you to tears when you get into the workforce.

I know that home inspecting is the career I have wanted for a long time. Also, I have no misconceptions about how difficult this pursuit will be. I have a job now that provides me the opportunity to start this new venture and see it through the hard times. Most importantly I have no intentions of inspecting for a fee until I am sure that I have a solid grasp on what I am talking about and selling.

This is the reason for my post today. Over the next month I plan on inspecting every friend and relatives house I can. I am hoping that between my photos and descriptions of what I am seeing that the immense base of knowledge on this board will help me learn even more about home inspecting. Reading can only take me so far. So, all opinions, suggestions and rebukes will be humbly accepted. Finally, where can I find a picture resizer for Vista? I don’t want to start off on the wrong foot asking for help here.

Thank you,

Troy Pappas

“Training for a futureâ€

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Originally posted by Erby

Welcome. Don't forget to call some inspectors an hour or two away (Richmond, perhaps) from you to ask about ride a longs with them.

GREAT advice!

Post some photos and state what you do see. Others will help open your eyes more.

And welcome from a reformed accountant. Well, a couple of decades ago anyway.

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Welcome Troy. As the other's said, ask all you want. BUT...don't just rely on us. You can't take everything here, or at any other similar forum, as gospel. First and/or also, try to research the answer yourself (books, code books, Google, manufacturers' websites, etc). AND...don't only do that for the questions YOU have. If you see someone else asking a question that you don't know the answer to, and no one else has yet supplied that answer, or even if they have, look that one up too.

When I first started I also got involved in an HI forum (not this one) long before I did my first paid inspection. I think I learnt a lot more by trying to find the answers to questions rather than just asking my own...but I did that too.

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Welcome Troy

I think I learnt a lot more by trying to find the answers to questions rather than just asking my own...but I did that too.

I prefer people ask the question first, but research it after posting the question. If you don't know, someone else on this board likely does not know. Asking the question will likely prevent others from asking the same question later, and that will make them a better inspector.

Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by Brandon Whitmore

Welcome Troy

I think I learnt a lot more by trying to find the answers to questions rather than just asking my own...but I did that too.

I prefer people ask the question first, but research it after posting the question. If you don't know, someone else on this board likely does not know. Asking the question will likely prevent others from asking the same question later, and that will make them a better inspector.

Just my opinion.

I guess that didn't come out quite right. My intention was...

"I think I learnt a lot more by trying to find the answers to questions posted by others rather than just asking my own...but I did that too."

To continue on that a little further...It was often the case that I could not really supply a good answer or one better than those already posted, but even then I would normally gain a bit more knowledge during the research. And then, you also occasionally come accross helpful links and photos that you can share. Kind of giving back a little.

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