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New Inspection Vehicle

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Well about a month ago the guy that runs my pest control company totaled his truck. He was not at fault but I was minus a truck.

I didn't really want to purchase a new truck so I moved my then inspection vehicle (Nissan Titan) over to the pest control company for him to drive.

I had this Excursion just sitting in my garage (yea it fits) that we use to pull the travel trailer for camping. I figured I might as well use it.

At 11.5mpg its no hybrid but the Titan only got about 14mpg so it would take quite a number of years for the extra gas expense to equal the cost of a new vehicle.

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How many of you have magentic signs, vehicle wrap, lettering or other advertising on your vehicles? Do you get any business from the exterior treatment of your vehicle?

If you have lettering, vehicle wrap or other such, did you choose a specific vehicle to provide a specific image to your customer or just what ever you had to drive at the time?

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We have a small 4 cyl. Ford Ranger , black truck with gold lettering. The truck is a little small for 2 guys both 6'4" tall and both over 200 pounds, but serves us very well. I do not think we have gotten any business from the lettering on our truck but the main reason we have the lettering to to identify ourselves when at an unoccupied homes. I dont think the type of vehicle you drive is as important as keeping the vehicle clean and in good repair.

Mike H.


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Originally posted by Mike H

I dont think the type of vehicle you drive is as important as keeping the vehicle clean and in good repair.

Mike H.



Size is important if you're in a major metropolitan area where you can spend 30 minutes cruising trying to just find a decent parking spot near a downtown building. Having a small vehicle gets you into all of the parking garages close to your destination so you don't have to haul gear as far. When I had the previous vans, many times I couldn't get into any parking garages and ended up parking in open parking - sometimes several blocks away. I still remember one nightmare highrise inspection where I couldn't get any closer than about 3/8 mile.



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