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The s#!t's gonna hit the radio!

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I just finished a phone interview for NPR's (National Public Radio) "Marketplace".

The topic: The decline of new home construction quality. I think it's gonna be on tomorrow.

I tried to be very objective, as the questions were asked in sound bites. As I hung up the phone, I had visions of my answers being spliced together to reenforce whatever agenda they're trying to push. I guess I'll find out tomorrow...

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Originally posted by chrisprickett

I just finished a phone interview for NPR's (National Public Radio) "Marketplace".

The topic: The decline of new home construction quality.

It's Bush's and Haliburtons fault.

I tried to be very objective, as the questions were asked in sound bites. As I hung up the phone, I had visions of my answers being spliced together to reenforce whatever agenda they're trying to push. I guess I'll find out tomorrow...

It's Bush's and Haliburtons fault.

See, was that so hard? [:-dev3]

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