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USB Phone

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  • 6 months later...


I finally took the plunge. I ported both house phones over to cell phones and then replaced the house phones with Majic Jacks. So far, I'm liking it, the thing is cheap and I'll save about $1500 a year on phone bills.

On another front, I'd never realized how much I could save by switching my car insurance FROM Geico to another company. I'd had GEICO for nearly 25 years; I just signed on with the Costco Ameriprize program and for the exact same coverage saved nearly $1900 a year on two vehicles over what I'd be paying with Geico. If you've got COSTCO in your neighborhood, you should check it out.



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I've been Magic Jacking for 3 or 4 months now. I had some problems at the start, then things worked fine a for long while, now I have issues again. I think it'll all smooth out in the end, and you just can't beat the price. Right now they're offering 5 years for $60.

I took part of the savings and upgraded to cable internet, so I'm doubly happy with the switch.

Brian G.

BellSouth Can Eat My Shorts [^]

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I have 4 house phones. The main phone/answering manchine is pluged into a wall jack, the other 3 are just pluged into an electrical outlet. Can I plug my main phone into the magic jack and still use my other ones the same way?

Also caould I use it with a fax machine?

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Originally posted by Scottpat

If you use "port" your numbers to cell phones can you still get a listing in a phone book? I have been thinking about this for my business line as that phone is transferred 24/7 to my cell.

I doubt it but maybe the phone book companies are already on this and have a way to do it.



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My Magic Jack has been working fine for many months. According to their site, their assigned numbers do not get listed anywhere.

You must realize that you are buying a product with basically no customer service and with no flexibility, that is how they keep the price low. There are some quirks; this is not your standard phone service, it is internet phone service.

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Originally posted by tbird

A while back, I remember a post about a device to plug into your USB port for phone service over the internet. I cannot find it in the search. Can anyone help me?

If you've had one for many months, how come you couldn't remember what it was?

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Originally posted by gtblum

Originally posted by Chad Fabry

Gary, look at the thread dates.

Doh! So it works great huh?

Yes it does. I spent about 15 minutes on the phone with Chad this morning and it was clear as a bell; clearer in fact than the Vonage line that I just dumped.

Like he says, it is a little quirky; for instance, the softphone - the virtual phone and keyboard on the screen that displays the caller ID and call logs, etc. - seems to have a problem starting. Most of the time, when I plug in the device, I get one of those messages on the screen that says, "MagicJack USB Softphone has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." Then it gives you that spiel about how if your in the middle of something the information you were working on may be lost and askes you to tell Microsoft about the problem by clicking a Send Error Report button, or not choosing that option and choosing Debug or Don't Send. If you choose any of those three options, it closes immediately. I spent about 30 minutes one day unplugging, deleting the Magic Jack and then plugging it back in to try and make it load, but kept getting that message. Finally, I just used my cursor to pull that message down below my screen with only the top title of it shown in my tray area, and tried it - it worked fine. Since then, if I get that message, I just drag it down far enough to leave only the edge of the box showing in the tray and I go on with whatever I'm doing. Even with that message displayed in the box, the soft phone displays on the screen and everything on it works fine - so, yeah, a little bit quirky but no big deal.

One thing you do have to watch out for is the age of the phone you use it with or it won't ring when someone calls in. The one on my wife's computer upstairs had a newer portable phone that worked fine; however, I'd plugged an old black pushbutton phone into it in my office and that wouldn't ring. I looked at the FAQs on the site and saw where I probably could have made it work by digging out my powered USB adapter port, but I just walked over to Radio Shack and bought a cheap portable phone off the shelf. Works great; plus, no more twisted black coiled telephone cord to wrestle with. Holy moly, I should have done that decades ago!

Yesterday I picked up two more and mailed them off to Mike B. up in Canada; he's planning to use one and give the other to his daughter 'cuz she's going to Ireland for a few months. She'll use it with her laptop with a wireless adapter and it should enable her to talk for free with her father and friends. I guess we'll know in a couple of weeks if that works and, if so, how well.



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Only complaint I've had with mine is that I can't get a local area code (or any Canadian area code for that matter), but that is a minor issue. Living in a border town, it's not uncommon to have a Michigan number. The call quality has been great and we've saved a pile of money on long distance charges. When my in-laws go back to Europe (IF they ever go back to Europe [:-censore) I'll give them one to take home.


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Hi Brad,

Ah, great, that was the question I had that I hadn't been able to answer by looking at the website; one can't get a Canadian area code. So, Mike and his daughter will just have to get a Washington State area code; calls are still free to U.S. and Canadian numbers regardless. Mike B., when you set yours up just set it up for Blaine, WA if it will let you.



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  • 6 months later...

I just got off the phone with my wife - she went on a 6 week European vacation and brought a Magic Jack with her. The thing works like a charm from eastern Europe. It sounded just as clear as any regular phone. Since she has a Michigan number assigned to the Magic Jack, calling her in Transylvania is the same as calling Michigan (which is a local call from my cell). Not bad for 12 bucks a year.


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