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Originally posted by nate carver

i was wanting to know if a traffic felony would prevent me from being accepted by the state to be approved to take the course?

It would probably largely depend on what the issue was. Traffic felonys range from a class D DWI to hit and run fatalities, felony resisting, etc.

Only your state can answer that question.

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Originally posted by nate carver

i was wanting to know if a traffic felony would prevent me from being accepted by the state to be approved to take the course?

If you are talking about a HI license, as Jon said it would all depend on the issue at hand and the state that you are in.

It looks like you are in FL, so at this time FL has no requirements on being a home inspector. Anyone and anything can be a home inspector in FL. FL just passed a really bad home inspector license law, but it does not go live until who knows when. Sometime in 2010 was the last date I heard and then that could even change.

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