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I just did one of those wacko condos downtown; a mere $5.5 million to live 49 stories up in the sky. The view is kind of awesome; the pics don't do it justice.

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The grass roof on the Apple Computer store is kind of cool;

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Originally posted by swarga

Kurt, How long was the ladder you used to get on the roof, & how did you get that ladder on your little truck?[:-jester]

We just levitate; no need for ladders.

I grew up on a farm, hunting & fishing; high school graduating class had 54 kids. Been to the top of 3 14,000 footers in Colorado. Wilderness camp as a hobby.

It's all fascinating view; you country boys should open your minds to all that there is in the world. This country boy's mind gets blown that humans can even build this stuff.

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I'm blessed to visit Chicago every 3 or 4 years. My sister is in South Bend and an "architecture" review is a must do. It pales LA and NY. Just my opinion. There is a Holiday Inn on the north side with a massive seafood buffet. Vienna and the countyside in Hungary are my next favorite spots to site see.[:-bigeyes2]

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