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How to Moderate TIJ Posts

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If a poster post's something offensive, politely ask him/her to edit the post to a more satifactory level. Since most posters dont actually read the rules that they agree to abide by, a polite reminder will usually suffice. Most people, realizing the consequences, will capitulate. If a person is constantly pushing the limits, banning works good too.

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How about an "Official TIJ Baseball Bat". Let the post stand, lump the poster![:P]

Really though, I think our moderators are doing just fine. I've been around long enough to see some gentle reminders of the rules, and to see several threads allowed to run their course - no matter how crooked they got. Most of us here realize that the moderators work pretty damned hard to keep TIJ a nice place and respect their judgement.

Keep up the good work,


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