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When dealing with offending posts and association arguments what should the moderators do? [:-taped]

This poll is for entertainment purposes only and may or may not be used to set board policy.


Kurt's right. There are enough other places to go if you want to get nasty.

From the beginning, we've always compared this place to a nice neighborhood bar. A place for us to hang out together and talk about everything. We can discuss, debate and disagree, but when things get nasty, I say: "Show 'em the door!"



My vote was the one for "delete the garbage like spam". It really isn't a good thing. It's a bad thing. Folks that think it should all be free speech, i.e., if you don't like it don't read it, are confused.

It taints the place.

I like it here. I ain't into no taint, no how, no way.

Originally posted by Jim Morrison

Kurt's right. There are enough other places to go if you want to get nasty.

From the beginning, we've always compared this place to a nice neighborhood bar. A place for us to hang out together and talk about everything. We can discuss, debate and disagree, but when things get nasty, I say: "Show 'em the door!"

I agree with Jim and Kurt. The way some folks carries on stop me from reading some other boards


It appears association bashing is okay depending who the author is.

If you don't like a topic don't read it and don't tell everyone else what to read and what to say, freedom of thought, expression and association.

Or if you don't like the tone, content and thread drift move it to the Romper Room section err... I mean the Kool Aid stand.

Oooops now that you asked for my opinion will I be chastised? ;)




I'd like to change my vote.

I voted for telling the people they're idiots.

I then realized they probably already know that.

Change mine to have Mike O (and Chad) add fuel.


Reporting news is ok. Let the chips fall where they may. But the constant bashing is boring and a distraction. If there is news regarding ANY particular org. it should be reported. But the bantering, name calling and all the other bs is not necessary.

There are a lot of good guys here. Some are members of different orgs. The name calling can be hurtful.


Wow, only 15 voters!

I'm the lone "Have Mike O pour on some gasoline and really get it going" voter.

OR total Ban on it. The Applebee’s or Cheers type place is the correct analogy,

Originally posted by charlieb

Wow, only 15 voters!

I'm the lone "Have Mike O pour on some gasoline and really get it going" voter.

OR total Ban on it. The Applebee’s or Cheers type place is the correct analogy,

Charley.. I think it's rigged :)

I voted the same as you.


I think it's ok to allow heated debate. Perhaps create a forum titled "Boxing Ring". If a thread gets too heated, the moderator could move it to the ring. That way those who wish to dodge that stuff can just stay away.

If anything gets too offensive I think the moderator should edit it, and then send a PM to the "offender" informing them of the action.

Most importantly, if you want to get into a heated debate with a moderator over why they edited your post, do it in PM only. Establish a rule that if you publicly diss or otherwise bash a mod over their right to, or reason for editing, you could be booted and banned from the site.

Moderators should be able to take a shot or two just like anyone else. However, if it the dispute is about how they execute their duties as a moderator, the discourse should remain private.

OK, I'm ducking to avoid the incoming now.

Originally posted by AHI

I think it's ok to allow heated debate. Perhaps create a forum titled "Boxing Ring". If a thread gets too heated, the moderator could move it to the ring. That way those who wish to dodge that stuff can just stay away.


We actually, before your time, used to have such a forum; it was entitled "Flame 'n Blame," and, believe me, it was not a very nice place.




90% or more of the association stuff is pointless drivel. If it's news put it out there, whichever one it is, and if a debate ensues about the general priciples and procedures of this or that org, let it run as long as it doesn't get personal. If it's nothing but a childish spitting contest, like one recent thread became, toss it out. I'll trust the firm of Mike, Mike, & Rose to sort one from the other.

It's worth noting that free speech as a pure idea is a myth. It always has been. Aside from the well-worn "you can't yell fire in a crowded theatre", there are dozens, if not hundreds or even thousands, of restrictions on speech. You can be arrested for using profanity in public, or for saying you're going to kill the President, or for inciting a riot. If you say nasty, untrue things about someone publicly they can sue you. Speech has always had limits.

This is the most civil inspector site on the web. I wouldn't want everyone to avoid saying what they mean just to be nice, but you can do that and still be civil in most cases. The worst thing that could possibly happen to TIJ would be to turn into an Inter-N echo.

Brian G.

Moderators Breed Moderation [:-thumbu]

Originally posted by Brian G The worst thing that could possibly happen to TIJ would be to turn into an Inter-N echo.

Brian G.

Moderators Breed Moderation

I say we should follow the ASHI rules when it comes to discussion forums.[;)]

I was wondering if we can start talking about typing in CAPS? [:-wiltel]

50th person to respond wins something.[:-party]



The thread I assume you are referring to, was actually started by Michael O, in his "article" concerning NACHI. It would appear to me that it would be expected there would be a heated debate on both sides of that issue.

Does it get personal? Yup, both sides of the issue have been argueing for a long time, with strong opinions on both sides.

Mike O, I believe, is not a fan of nachi, so this has played into his hand to promote/validate his opinion. The only org. that I have witnessed being constntly bashed is NACHI.

Therefore, I am left to believe that ASHI has no problems, NAHI, AII, etc?

All orgs. have their down side, but only one org. seems to take all the heat.

ASHI would not be my choice, to political in pushing licensing, which NACHI opposes.

Michael O is a "licensing" guy, so it would be of no surprise which org. he favors.

Kinda like being a Democrat or Republican.

Don't think either side is ever going to win the debate nor win over the opposition. Just as it is in politics.


Mike O, I believe, is not a fan of nachi, so this has played into his hand to promote/validate his opinion. The only org. that I have witnessed being constntly bashed is NACHI.

Steve.. Before throwing stones, I suggest spending a few more days reading posts, in the archives and current, made by the dictator and a few of his puppets that you adore.


Originally posted by steven meyer

The thread I assume you are referring to, was actually started by Michael O, in his "article" concerning NACHI. It would appear to me that it would be expected there would be a heated debate on both sides of that issue.

Heated debate, yes; personal-level bickering, no. It isn't personal and it isn't simple anti-Nachi bias. We just don't want our board to look and sound like theirs.

Does it get personal? Yup, both sides of the issue have been argueing for a long time, with strong opinions on both sides.

And none of it ever changes anyone's mind.

Mike O, I believe, is not a fan of nachi, so this has played into his hand to promote/validate his opinion.

No, he isn't, but the topic of the thread was entirely legitimate. That whole case could easily wind up in court (and should).

The only org. that I have witnessed being constntly bashed is NACHI.

That's only because you haven't been around here very long. When I first came around it was mostly ASHI getting the grief, due to the infamous "Branding" campaign.

Besides, there's enough ASHI and NAHI bashing on your board to make up for it's absence anywhere else.

Therefore, I am left to believe that ASHI has no problems, NAHI, AII, etc?

Sure they do, but:

A. They don't air them to the world.

B. They have far fewer problems related to leadership.

All orgs. have their down side, but only one org. seems to take all the heat.

Only one invites it.

ASHI would not be my choice, to political in pushing licensing, which NACHI opposes.

ASHI's traditional position is to oppose licensing, but if it's going to happen anyway they work to influence it. When I hung out at the Nachi board Nic just loved licensing. What changed?

Michael O is a "licensing" guy, so it would be of no surprise which org. he favors.

Actually, I don't think he does favor licensing per se.

Don't think either side is ever going to win the debate nor win over the opposition. Just as it is in politics.

Exactly, so there's no point in muddying the water over and over and over. If you guys want to run each other down for a while it's fine with us, but please do it by email. This isn't the place for it.

Brian G.

Lover of Peace & Order [:-taped]



Thank you Steven for espousing my opinions so freely but I have to point out to you that this thread is not about NACHI, ASHI, or any other organization, it's about how to deal with contentious posts initiated on TIJ by folks who take stuff personal and can't let it go.

If you want to recommend a certain course of action, fine, but don't try and turn this thread into another rant; you've left yourself plenty of room to do that on the portion that was split off of the thread about Bushart's duplicity. If you want to continue it, do it there, not here.



Originally posted by hausdok


If you want to recommend a certain course of action, fine, but don't try and turn this thread into another rant; you've left yourself plenty of room to do that on the portion that was split off of the thread about Bushart's duplicity. If you want to continue it, do it there, not here.

Actually, I took the liberty of locking that particular thread. It was going nowhere but downhill. I'll admit I was sorely tempted to just delete the whole mess.

As for the "Michael O is a "licensing" guy, so it would be of no surprise which org. he favors." remark...

Just plain wrong! Mike wanted and worked towards good and meaningful licensing only once that licensing became inevitable.

I was involved at one point and know that Mike "favored" no particular organization and included all during his work towards that end.

If Mike and this site have any bias, it's simply for professionalism. Unprofessional crap may seem to come more frequently in a particular wrapper but it's not initiated here and the ultimate control of that ratio lies with the crapper.

Originally posted by steven meyer

. . .Therefore, I am left to believe that ASHI has no problems, NAHI, AII, etc?

All orgs. have their down side, but only one org. seems to take all the heat.

interNACHI and their leadership are the one's ending up in court; a few times hasn't it been now?

Good organizations, like good people, don't find themselves in legal predicaments like those that plague interNACHI.


I'll respond so far as to say I guess it was my comments about my "love" of ASHI that drove one of my best friends in this business - Douglas Hansen - to quit TIJ and never come back. Hmmm.

With friends like me, ASHI sure doesn't need any enemies.




Course of action would be to provide a thread for those who wish to vent can do so. However, do not allow other threads to be hijacked away from it original topic/intent. As seems to occur just about everywhere.

I am as guilty as anyone, allowing myself to get suckered into the debate.

PS: still not a fan of licensing, but can live with it!!!

Think I will pass on any org, doesn't seem worth the grief!!!

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