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Brother Katen

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Been out of the loop today. I'm in Charlie. It's the least I can do for all the help that Jim has been with this little project over the past 6 years.

This reminds me of right after Katrina when there were about 90 home inspectors in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas out of work. I'd tried to get all of the associations interested in an inspectors relief fund wherein participating inspectors would all take $10 each from a dozen inspections a year and contribute it to a central fund that would be managed by a board that would essentially have been made up of reps from each of the associations; the idea being to assess an inspector's situation and then help the inspector out in the form of paying bills until the inspector was back on his/her feet or in the form of outright grants.

None of the associations wanted to get involved.

Hope those gulf coast inspectors are doing OK today.



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I'm in. Where can I fax it to?

I would like to suggest that any amount would be good and it is the thought that really counts! If I were king for a day, I'd find that dumb lens he has been looking at for the past 28yrs and send it to him!

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Originally posted by Les

If I were king for a day, I'd find that dumb lens he has been looking at for the past 28yrs and send it to him!

Oh yeah, the Takamahoochie 426 Hemi or some such. He's been lusting after one of those since the Mayflower came over.

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by Brandon Whitmore

I am close to Jim and will hold, and am in.

Let me know what you guy's need for info.

I have to head off for the day and will reply later.

A way that would be easy for me -- and likely others -- would be if you gave us your name, address and phone number, so we could send checks via snail mail, or via online banking. (Banks typically ask for phone numbers of recipients.)

You'll need a name for the account, which I think you'd have to set up at your bank. Just call it something like "Jim Katen Fund."

Surely, the folks at your bank would give you all the particulars.

Then, we could all get busy sending checks to the fund.

Note: I and others did this for GA HI Noel McShane's family a few years back. Raised about $10K.


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I don't want to be the Scrooge here, because I'm not. I recently sent money to the family of an HI I didn't know because his brother posted that they were in financial trouble.

I'm just wondering if we could slow down a bit? At the moment I have no idea if $5 or $500, or anything at all, is needed. I haven't seen Jim's prognosis posted. I'll be one of the first to donate to the worthy cause if Jim's layoff is causing an undue financial burden but, without knowing a bit more about his circumstances, I'm at a bit of a loss.

I'm not asking for a financial statement but it would be nice to know we aren't just going to embarrass the poor guy with a handout he doesn't need.

Now, the Take-a-Moochy 500 XLR Sooper DeLuxe lens, I could go for without knowing anything more about Jim's condition.

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Ditto, but who's gonna ask the family? If they're fine money-wise, I'd also be tickled to go for that lens. It's a Katen urban legend around here. Besides, we all know it wouldn't really be a gift; Jim has flat-out earned it.

If they could use the cash, that trumps. Either way, I'm in.

Brian G.

Surgery Makes My Lens Shutter [;)]

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Maybe if anyone lives near Jim, they could drive over just to check on him and how things are going. Get his wife to the side and just flat out ask her how things are going and what can be done to help as many fellow inspectors are wanting to do something.

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Or, just let him tell us. He's out of surgery, and apparently feeling OK. He'll be convalescing, and very likely hanging out on the boards as he does so.

I didn't post the original note as anything more than letting folks know. Kind thoughts provide their own benefit.

After we know something, if it's appropriate, I'm in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Well, this is the first time since the accident that I've had the clear-headedness, and non-crappy-cell-phone-connection to visit TIJ. I expected to find a backlog of electrical questions to ponder but instead I find this.

Let me make my wishes very clear: Don't send me any money.

This accident has been very painful from a physical, mental and financial standpoint but I'm not facing the poorhouse yet. It isn't that I don't appreciate the thoughts of those of you who've offered to help me out, it's just that there are lots of other people in this world who need money a a whole lot more than I do.

My surgery went well and I'm leaving in just a few minutes to talk with my neurosurgeon about my prognosis.

I hearby make you this promise: If I find that I'm going to really need money, I'll come right out and ask for it or I'll ask for some other kind of assistance. (I've alreadly promised to ask Brandon for help later, as I'll need it.).

In the meantime, even though I'm not a religious man, I very much appreciate the good thoughts and prayers such as those offfered by the religious among us. Keep 'em coming.

Oh, and as for the 85mm f1.8,Super Multi Coated Takumar lens, I'm managed to snag one in the last 8 seconds of an e-bay auction some months back. The seller had it mixed in with a bunch of other, basically worthless lenses. One I get around to polishing up the worthless lenses and selling them, I will have gotten a very good deal indeed on that lens. Now, I just need the upper body strength to actually hold the damn camera. . .

I'll try to keep in touch, but I can't sit up yet and typing sideways is kind of a drag so future missives may be short .

Thanks again to all.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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So. . . .

You're not inspecting yet?

Welcome home brother. It sounds like you're in good spirits.

You've been missed here and over at ASHI. There's a lot of folklore (I think?) that needs some Katenizing! I've got your back. Onward!

"Yea, what he said!" as I'm peering from behind his back and over his shoulder

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Hi Jim

It's really good to hear that you're feeling better. Sounds like someone needs to invent a table that will extend over a bed and grips a wireless enabled laptop so that it can be rotated into any position.

Glad to hear you finally got that coveted lens.

Wish you were closer; I'd be able to help Brandon pick up the slack for you.



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Welcome back Jim.

From an electrical standpoint, I found this today. I said, damn, I gotta try this. It went click with a nice pronounced sound and the light came on. Every time I walked through that doorway, I had to do it again. Behind seeing you back on here, it was the highlight of my day.

Aint she a beauty?

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PS: I tried to fix the picture but I can't figure it out. ????

http://home.comcast.net/~arundelhomeins ... inally.JPG

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