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Originally posted by AHI

I don't think it's funny either. I'd press charges for assault and seriously consider a law suit. Make the mother f'ers settle out of court or at least expose them for the jackasses they are.

For a shove & a glancing punch? Bah! It's not worth the hassle. Besides, folks like that don't need any help being exposed for jackasses. Everyone usually knows it already.

-Jim Katen, Oregon

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From my experiences up there (Chicago area) I learned this type of stuff happens from inexperienced builders (or whatever they call themselves now). The reason I found is because Anger is much more Easier Emotion to Express than Embarrassment.

I can say nobody ever took a swing at me, but I'm kind of a big dude, but I would of taken a punch any day instead of 3 inch drywall screws in all my tires. That happened a few times.


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Originally posted by Jim Katen

Originally posted by AHI

I don't think it's funny either. I'd press charges for assault and seriously consider a law suit. Make the mother f'ers settle out of court or at least expose them for the jackasses they are.

For a shove & a glancing punch? Bah! It's not worth the hassle. Besides, folks like that don't need any help being exposed for jackasses. Everyone usually knows it already.

-Jim Katen, Oregon

I suppose it's a rare occasion but there really should be zero tolerance for behavior like this in a professional environment.

The wild wild west huh?

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Kurt knows how to take care of himself. If he had truly felt threatened, that builder would have spent the remainder of the day undergoing reconstructive dentistry.

For those of you who might be new to this website, Kurt just happens to be the only sanctioned means of execution in 11 states and Puerto Rico.

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