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I took my first punch on a home inspection today. The realtor pushed me, and the builder swung and glanced one off my collar bone.

I guess I musta said something wrong.......

Actually, I said everything right, all nice & polite and couched in industry language. The guy took it as a direct insult, and decide to exercise a little Eastern Euro macho man on me.

My customers told me they'd testify if I wanted to press charges. I said why bother, it'd only mean we'd have to think about it instead of moving on to another house.

This job just keeps getting weirder......

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Originally posted by kurt

I took my first punch on a home inspection today. The realtor pushed me, and the builder swung and glanced one off my collar bone.

I guess I musta said something wrong.......

Actually, I said everything right, all nice & polite and couched in industry language. The guy took it as a direct insult, and decide to exercise a little Eastern Euro macho man on me.

My customers told me they'd testify if I wanted to press charges. I said why bother, it'd only mean we'd have to think about it instead of moving on to another house.

This job just keeps getting weirder......

The realtor and the builder tag teamed you?

That's hysterical.

With the builder, I'd just chalk it up to ethnic differences.

However, if a realtor ever pushed me, I'd have his license. I'm vindictive that way.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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I don't like or dislike. I just make a list.

In this case, the list was largely about inadequate flashing, and caulk. Lots and lots of caulk.

Sloppy coping w/huge ridiculous gaps. Glass block windows sealed w/roofing cement. Windows not closing because they were not square or aligned. Single coat stucco on 1/4" durock laid over "exterior" drywall w/no moisture barrier or weep screeds.

Just another of these ridiculously overpriced million dollar dumps w/beautiful crown molding, marble bathrooms, Viking ranges, etc., and no freaking idea about how to put a building envelope together.

I tried explaining how these sorts of problems don't necessarily show up immediatly. How it takes a few, or even several, years for enough water to accumulate in the walls for there to be a visible problem. How engineered assemblies tend to hold moisture and accumulate it. Why moisture barriers/drainage planes under stucco are a good idea.

That sort of thing. Builder didn't wanna hear it, and the realtor squawked that I was going way overboard, well beyond what I was "supposed to do", and "requiring more than the City does". I tried to explain that I don't require anything, and the City doesn't even look at stuff.

That was right about the time it got physical.


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Incredible, and since no harm done, funny as hell. How dare you threaten the fat profits those lovely people stand to reap from the POS mansion you slandered? Now don't you feel all bad and stuff? [:-dev3]

Brian G.

And In This Corner, the Friar of Flashing, the Captain of Caulk, the Montebank of Moisture....Mitenbuler Man! [:-masked]

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However, if a realtor ever pushed me, I'd have his license. I'm vindictive that way.

Me too, OR the realtor could have the choice of providing me with a letter of apology for my office wall, preframed and signed. I'm magnanimous so I'd let him/her choose.

Seriously, nobody forces a fight or flight adrenaline rush in me without also suffering some kind of expense.

"Kurt the Hurricane"? I like "Kurt the Kollarbone"

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Fellas, I appreciate the thought.

Honest, I have no desire to engage in foolishness. The worst tactical mistake to be made is confrontation on the opponents terms.

Besides, it would disturb my wah. Sailing season is right around the corner. I am in mental preparation for taking on the Big Pond, wind, and waves. I don't need no steenkin' conflict to screw things up.

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That is funny. You handled it perfectly and your client must have appreciated your professionalism.

Was it your client's realtor who pushed? If so, it seems the client would have plenty to say to him. (It was a him, right - this isn't something we can turn into a sexy fantasy later?)

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Kurt "The Hurt" is a fine example for us all to follow.

I watched an owner push a listing agent down the front stairs of a brownstone a few years back on the AM of a closing. The agent did not press charges because he didn't want to jeopardize his commission.

Money brings out the worst in people.

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Well, I wasn't holding it out there as world class humor, and I didn't really want to "be there" either, but I was. Since no one got hurt, I thought it had a shred of humor to it, though.

Heck, if I can't share weirdness w/the sisters and brothers, who can I share it with?

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A few months ago I suggested to my client that the basement of a home appeared to have been wired by a six year old after a hard night of drinking. The homeowner, who had done the wiring, heard and took offense. I thought I was going to take a shot, but luckily he calmed down. I now keep (most of) my smartass comments to myself.


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