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Earthquake in Illinois

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I know some of you are use to this seismic activity, but here in Central Illinois is all the buzz this morning. It woke me up this morning. I thought somebody was coming into my bedroom. I thought it must be the wind, because we have had strong winds the past couple days, but I didn't hear anything else so I fell back asleep.

There are aftershocks still being felt as late as 10:30 am CDT. I know we have some inspectors around the area. Did anyone else feel anything? Does anyone know of any damage, or injuries?

Illinois Earthquake

Illinois Department of Transportation inspectors are scurrying to inspect/re-inspect bridge structures. Building officials, and Municipal people are doing the same. A little excitement for the area.


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Originally posted by fqp25

I know some of you are use to this seismic activity, but here in Central Illinois is all the buzz this morning. It woke me up this morning. I thought somebody was coming into my bedroom. I thought it must be the wind, because we have had strong winds the past couple days, but I didn't hear anything else so I fell back asleep.

There are aftershocks still being felt as late as 10:30 am CDT. I know we have some inspectors around the area. Did anyone else feel anything? Does anyone know of any damage, or injuries?

Illinois Earthquake

Illinois Department of Transportation inspectors are scurrying to inspect/re-inspect bridge structures. Building officials, and Municipal people are doing the same. A little excitement for the area.


5.4 is a baby quake. Hasn't Illinois had very large quakes in the past and aren't you guys "due" for a big one?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Not so much Illinois, as MO.

The New Madrid fault let go in 1830-something and moved the Mississippi River about a mile from it's previous bed.

Everyone's due for a big one. I've got a geologist friend that did satellite mapping of all these things they thought were old creek beds, hills, ravines, etc. They're all faults. Big ones. Everywhere.

Could be now, or a million years from now. Like the asteroid that's gonna smack us sooner or later.

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It was shaking down in my neck of the woods in Middle TN. I think we were 155 miles from the center. About 3:30 AM our cats started to go crazy running around the house and meowing. Then about an hour later everything started to rattle and rumble. It sounded like somebody was rattling all of the doors in house.

It shook some bricks off some old buildings in downtown Nashville. I was over on 4th and Church this morning and a section of the street was blocked. An old piece of decorative terracotta whatchamacallit fell off a building

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Unusual Earthquake Swarm Off Oregon Coast Puzzles Scientists

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 ... 184801.htm

ScienceDaily (Apr. 14, 2008) — Scientists at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center have recorded more than 600 earthquakes in the last 10 days off the central Oregon coast in an area not typically known for a high degree of seismic activity.
Coming Soon to city near you!


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