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hours spent running your biz?

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Depends on how busy I am. I like wearing all the hats though. I have a hard time doing nothing.

Brough the travel trailer home today to get ready for a little 5 day camping trip with the wife and kids. Kayaking, fishing, and just goofing with the folks I do all this stuff for.

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I would say maybe an hour or two a week. Most of the time consuming work I try to do during the slow periods we have throughout the year. I have been doing this since 1995 and I have found that we always have the same slowdowns from Dec-Feb and then from Aug-Sept, now this might change a little depending on your area but I think this is pretty standard.

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I am not a one man shop, but was for several years. I tell an inspector it is a 10hr a day job regardless of the number of inspections you do. What that really means is they should plan on 50hrs per week. There are exceptions such as Saturday appts. No Sunday or holiday work at all. I discourage any week-end work as well as evenings.

I believe you must be quite ridgid in your time schedule. Don't just putz around when you could be learning or playing with moma. Time management is much easier when you have a physical office location.

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