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Hi Guys,

Yeah, Rich called this morning and, not having very well-honed social skills, I tried to tell him that I appreciated what he was doing but it was really too much, at which point he did say something like, "Just shutup and give me your address, already."

I don't know what to say guys, this has just blown me away. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. What a great gift! This really is like a family here. As a way to show my appreciation, I plan to work overtime to try and provide some new content for you guys.

I'm currently down at Cannon Beach, OR for a couple of days R & R and I talked to one of the guys who's down here sharing this hooch about how to do that two screen thingy. He said that he's going to come by and set it up for me. Pretty soon, it looks like I'm going to be on the bridge of Starship TIJ.

Thanks again, one and all.



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OK...there seems to be a problem with some of the PM links. For instance when I click on Brian G's name to send a PM it ends up sending it to just "Brian" who is someone else. I had the same issue with Jack Ahern. I've resent those (I hope plain old "Brian" and "Jack" don't send money). I think I got the rest right.

Originally posted by Jim Katen

Originally posted by Richard Moore

I just sent 13 PMs out to y'all...one each. Or at least I think they went out(?). Let me know if you didn't receive one.


No PM here. Did you get mine?

- Jim Katen

Ummmm, no Jim. Didn't get anything from you at all. It looks like the same issue. I just tried the same sequence with my name and it would have gone off to just "Richard", who evidently lives in Toronto. So...sorry, but you missed out on this, but I'm sure Mike knows you still love him! [;)]

I'm going to post something for the gnomes about this in another thread.

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Ahh... I have to admit it's probably a bug I've known about for a while...

When you click to send a PM off a profile and the persons name is split (first and last name with a space in between) it doesn't send the last part of the name through to the next page. You can still type it in if you notice. If you go to your PM Inbox it works fine but if you go through the profiles it bugs out with names that are broken.

If that's how you did it Richard redo the split names...

I'll fix it soon[:-weepn]

Now as long as Mike doesn't turn that new monitor sideways so he can write longer posts we'll be okay!

Well done Richard and all! [:-angel]

Michael Brown

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Bummer, I get busy, don't check in, and something nice like this happens without me. Ya need more I'd be real happy to do something nice for Mike, but please, please, please, no one show him how to use portrait mode so he can do longer posts.

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Originally posted by hausdok

As a way to show my appreciation, I plan to work overtime to try and provide some new content for you guys.

Yeah, you need to put in some more time............

I'm currently down at Cannon Beach, OR for a couple of days R & R .......



Luuuuuvvv Cannon Beach. Anyone out sailing? If you have the time, cruise a couple more miles down the coast to Manzanita.

It's worth it.

I got my PM and the note in my email......

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I'd like to send via PayPal, but I haven't done it before.

BTW, I've never used the "PM" feature before and didn't even know there was one. I clicked on my pm box and lo and behold, there were messages from a year ago! Sorry, boys -- those that sent me stuff. I didn't know it was there!

Do I need to set up my own account at PayPal in order to send something?

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Hi Randy,

Actually, I'm very new to Paypal too. I think you can do it with a credit card and without setting up an account but I just discovered I can only accept up to 5 non-Paypal transfers or I have to change to a business account...or something(?). Anyway...I've had 2 like that so far.

So...for those of you that don't already have a Paypal account, snail-mail would be a better option for me.



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It's easy Randy.

1. Go to www.paypal.com

2. Click on "Send money"

3. Enter the email address for the recipient.

4. Enter your email address.

5. Type in the amount to send.

6. Enter credit card info and press submit.

7. READ YOUR EMAIL - the one from paypal will include a link for you to click on to confirm your email address.

8. Just enter a password. That sets up an account, but you do NOT have to enter any credit or bank info!

That's it


But Richard - the business account is free and provides your clients with another way to pay - via your website (There is a minimal fee then.)

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Thanks Gary,

I only signed up about a week ago to donate some money elsewhere, and hadn't really looked into the nuts and bolts. In fact, if Chad hadn't already sent his money to my account, I probably wouldn't even have thought of Paypal as an option for this.

On the business side...Yeah, I see now about the upgrade to a business account. I guess I've never felt the need to accept anything but checks or cash. It's just never been an issue and I don't believe I've lost any business over it, although maybe I have and don't know it. While I can see that the fee is fairly minimal, for a single transaction, my fear is that if I did offer it as an option a bunch more, who would otherwise pay by check, might take that route and the fees over the year would add up. Have to ponder that some more.

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Holy Pixel Envy, Batman, it's huge!!! [:-batman]

Wow! She came a couple of hours ago. This things dwarfs my 19" wide screen monitor. I've got her up running and adjusted and it's pretty sweet. Thanks again to all of you who chipped in to buy this behemoth, and especially to Rich Moore. I can't say enough about you guys.

Sometime later this week my friend will pick up another video card and install it for me and set the two of them up for me. Once that's done, I'll take a picture and post it.

Now I guess I have to be careful to sit back far enough so that I don't get a radiation burn from this sucker.



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Originally posted by kurt

Yes, thanks Rich. We all just chipped in money which is the easy part.

Richard coordinated and executed. That's big.

Mr. O', no thanks necessary. It's the least we could do.

I agree. All The info and other Items you help us with is why I helped.

And A thanks to Richard for putting it together

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